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'What happened to Dumbledore? What did he do? Where is he?' Harry thought in shock, while a huge commotion broke out in the courtroom.

"Now, since we can't change anything about the situation; shall we go home?" Severus spoke up, and all Hogwarts residents held on to a Portkey that took them home in a blink.

'What did Dumbledore do?' Harry thought to Minerva when they had lunch together with the other teachers in the Great Hall.

Minerva sighed and explained, "Dumbledore is a phoenix Animagus, Harry. He can transform into a phoenix like Fawkes." She paused to allow Harry to absorb what she was telling him. "As you know from Fawkes, a phoenix can flash away, and that's what Dumbledore did today, so that the Aurors couldn't take him to Azkaban."

'So he is still running around free then? Will he come back to get me and take me back to the Dursleys?' Harry thought, horrified of the possibility.

"Don't panic, Harry; I don't think he'll come and try to hurt you," Minerva assured him in a soft voice.

"You can't be sure what he'll be up to though, Minerva," Severus warned his colleague. "He might want to exact his revenge on all of us, because it was our fault that he was denied of his position as headmaster, as professor, and even as Head of the Wizengamot." He paused briefly, choosing his next words carefully. "Moreover he was sentenced to a stay in Azkaban because we arranged for him to be put on trial."

"Harry should never be alone outside," Pomona added worriedly.

"No, but that doesn't make too much sense, as Albus will be able to flash anywhere, even within the castle," Minerva replied in concern.

"Can't we put up a kind of ward that prohibits a phoenix or at least a phoenix Animagus from entering?" Poppy asked, worriedly watching her godson, whose face had turned white during the discussion going on around him.

"We can put up wards that won't allow Albus to enter the castle or even the grounds, but I'm not sure if that will work against his phoenix form as well," Minerva replied, giving Severus a questioning glance.

"Fawkes!" Severus called his familiar and, when the phoenix appeared in a flash of flames, he repeated Minerva's question to the beautiful bird.

#No, you can't prevent a phoenix from flashing anywhere. But if Albus flashes here into the castle, I will know immediately, and I'll go to protect Harry or to prevent Albus from doing whatever he plans to do,# Fawkes promised, sounding sincere.

"Thanks Fawkes, that's very reassuring," Severus replied and translated Fawkes' trills to the others.

Harry could not help staring at the phoenix. 'Why can I understand what he's saying? Only Uncle Severus should be able to understand because he's his familiar,' he wondered.

'Uncle Severus?' he asked hesitantly even in his mind-talking, receiving an enquiring look from his godfather. 'I could understand what Fawkes said to you. Why am I able to understand him?'

'That's because of your Chameguise form. You're able to shape shift into a phoenix as well, and I'd even suggest trying that out as soon as you have managed the prior task ahead,' Severus replied calmly, giving his godson an encouraging nod.

"Minerva, may I suggest that we – I mean the four heads of house – work on the wards right away?" Filius Flitwick spoke up.

Minerva sighed and turned to Poppy. "Poppy, would you mind spending the afternoon with Harry?"

"Of course we can spend the afternoon together, can't we, Harry? I was going to organize my potions shelf in preparation for the new school year, and I could use a good helper very much." She bent down, so that she was eye level to Harry. "Sweetheart, would you be willing to help me with that?"

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