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What am I going to do?' Harry thought, frantically. While trying not to panic he totally forgot that he could talk to his new daddy telepathically and the process unintentionally blocked his daddy from being able to reach him. 'If I only knew the name of the hotel or even the name of the temple that we visited, then I could ask. I know enough Japanese to get help from someone. But I don't know what temple we were going to, and since the hotel is a wizarding hotel, all these muggles around here won't know it.'

While he was thinking, he had unconsciously let himself being driven forward by the mass of people walking on the street and soon reached a river. He spent a while sitting near the river thinking. 'Well, I could transform into my chameguise form, but I can't flash to people, only to places,' he thought wearily, when a sudden idea crossed his mind. 'Kori!' he thought in relief. 'She could take me back to my parents. But will she be able to hear me if I call her all the way from here in Japan?'

He decided to try and called his phoenix, knowing that even if she heard him and came to his rescue it would probably take a few hours for her to reach him.

'In the meantime, I could try to transform into a phoenix myself,' he mused and made himself invisible. 'As a shape shifter, I should be able to transform into any animal.' Looking at the light blue water of the river, he concentrated on the blue form of a water phoenix with light green wings in the back; however, it obviously didn't work. 'Maybe I should transform into my chameguise form first,' he thought and transformed.

He had to try several times, but an hour later, he finally succeeded in transforming his whole body. He flapped his wings a few times, and suddenly an urge to fly overcame him that was even stronger than his desire to find his parents. He once again flapped his wings and tried to fly. Unfortunately, it was much more difficult than he had assumed, and he nearly landed in the river. 'Oh no!' he thought, realizing that he was not even able to properly walk on his bird's feet. 'Will I be able to flash accurately?' he thought worriedly, while he tried to get a few steps further away from the water on his unsteady feet.

Harry just resolved to try to flash thinking of his mother, when Kori appeared by his side.

#Harry! What are you doing? Can you make yourself visible please?#

#Sorry Kori and thanks for coming# Harry replied in utter relief and made himself visible.

#Oh, you're beautiful. A water phoenix. Congratulations Harry,# his familiar trilled in obvious amazement.

#Thanks Kori, but I have a problem,# Harry replied, sighing. #I can neither walk, nor fly, nor do I know how to flash properly.#

#Well, I will practise with you when we're back at Hogwarts. Now I'm going to take you to your parents; they will be worried sick about you,# Kori replied in a firm voice.

'Of course,' Harry remembered and quickly transformed back into his chameguise form and then into his human form, grabbing Kori's tail feathers, knowing in relief that he would soon be back with his family.

A minute later, Harry was enveloped in Minerva's arms, sobbing fiercely. After a few minutes, when he calmed down a bit, he looked around and saw that the adults were still standing in the same underground station, in which he had gotten off the train before. Mrs. Hara had asked the people to make an announcement in Japanese and in barely understandable English in all stations of the underground that told Harry to come to the station, where they were waiting, but unfortunately, Harry had left the underground too early to hear the announcement.

Severus reminded Harry of his telepathy and Harry felt embarrassed that he had completely forgotten about the matter; moreover, he had been so focused on finding them that he had unintentionally prevented Severus from being able to communicate with him. He was praised by both Minerva and Severus for remembering to call Kori for her help.

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