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"Harry! Godric!" Rowena and Helga shouted excitingly, immediately leaving their portraits when the two men arrived in the founder's lair. "Good that you finally remembered to visit us; you haven't even shown up once since you brought Helga back," Rowena complained.

"I'm sorry; we were very busy," Godric replied, "and I'm married now, so I don't have as much free time as I did before."

"You're what?" Salazar exclaimed unbelievingly, coming out of his portrait. "I hope she's young and pretty?"

Harry couldn't help letting out a small chuckle.

"Ah well, since Harry gave her a de-aging potion she's forty-five, and I don't know if she's pretty by your standard, but I think she is and more importantly I'm totally in love with her." Godric all of a sudden blushed, slightly annoyed by his old friends' questioning. "You can ask Helga about her if you like; she knows Poppy, don't you?"

"Poppy, the healer?" Helga enquired in surprise, grinning broadly. "Oh, she's a very nice woman. Congratulations Godric." Turning to her friend, she mumbled, "No need to get jealous, Rowena. You'll always be special to Godric, and as you see he comes to visit us even if it takes a while."

Godric sighed. "Well, in fact we came to see Salazar. We need you to teach us how to brew a potion that seems to be lost in this time."

"And what might that be?" Salazar enquired, raising an eyebrow at the man, causing Harry to laugh.

'Exactly like Dad. It's so obvious that they are related somehow,' he thought, while Godric explained to Salazar what they wanted to know.

"Harry, can you take notes please?" Godric instructed the boy, conjuring parchment and a quill for him.

"Yes of course," Harry replied, startled, and began to feverishly scribble down every detail that Salazar dictated him.

"You have to be careful though; it's not easy to brew, and I don't think you'd manage, Godric. You better ask the Potions Master; I forgot his name..."

"My Dad is the Potions Master; Severus Snape," Harry spoke up.

"Well, you better ask him to brew the potion for you," Salazar instructed his old friend.

"Thanks a lot, Salazar," Godric replied, rolling his eyes.

"Thank you, sir," Harry echoed and said good-bye to the other founders, before he grabbed Kori's tail feathers and asked her to take Godric and him straight to Severus.

"Harry, be sure to visit us again soon," Harry heard Rowena and Helga shout right before Kori flashed away.


"Dad, I'm sorry to disturb you," Harry told Severus, who was sitting in his office grading the tests that he had given his students just before the holidays. "Could you please brew a potion for us? I'll assist and prepare the ingredients," he offered in the same breath.

"And what might that be?" Severus asked, raising an eyebrow at his son.

"Just like Salazar," Harry giggled to Godric, who smiled and nodded, before he explained everything to the Potions Master.

"Show me the recipe," Severus demanded, holding out his hand, before he glanced at the ingredients, nodding contentedly. "Thank Merlin, we only need ingredients which are available in our time. All right, let's brew the potion."

Harry and Godric prepared the ingredients, whereby Harry worked hard and Godric more or less supervised him, while Severus brewed the potion. Late in the evening, the potion was ready.

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