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Harry tried hard not to panic. 'What am I going to do? What will he do to me? I have to make myself invisible somehow, at least so that the old coot cannot see me anymore!' He did not know how it did it, but somehow he simply turned invisible, and he fled straight to the library. 'That went really well, but now I have to make myself visible again. Maybe I could try to make myself look different, so that he won't recognize me,' he mused. Harry turned visible again, but this time, he looked different than before; in fact, he looked like a younger version of his godfather.

'Uncle Severus, I'm hiding from Dumbledore. Now I look like you; can you tell him I'm your nephew or something?' he urgently thought to Severus, who threw him a shocked glance but nodded approvingly.

A moment later, Dumbledore entered the library. Seeing Severus, he stepped over to the man. "Severus, I was looking for Harry; have you perhaps seen the boy?"

Severus shook his head before he answered, "No sir, I haven't seen Potter. May I introduce my nephew Silas to you; he is visiting for the day and might be coming to visit me from time to time as his mother is very ill. It's all right, Silas, you don't have to hide," he said to Harry, who was hiding in his godfather's robes. "I'm sorry, Albus, Silas is very shy."

Fortunately, the old man quickly left the library, leaving Severus and Harry alone. "Harry! You're able to shape shift. Did you know that it's an extremely rare power? Can you change into any shape you want?"

Harry gave him an anxious look. 'I'm sorry; I didn't know that I can do it. I was just so scared of the old coot that it just sort of happened. I have no idea how I did that and if I can do it again.'

"Harry," Severus replied sternly. "You needn't be sorry. It's a great ability, and I'm sure that you'll be able to figure out how to use it. The only advice that I can give you is to use it wisely. I can try to help or advise you; however, we'll have to finish here for today and head to the Great Hall for dinner, otherwise your Aunt Minerva and Aunt Poppy will have my head. If you want me to help you, you can come to my quarters in the morning. Provided that Minerva doesn't have other plans; I will speak to her tonight. If she agrees, I'll collect you after breakfast,"

'Thanks a lot, Uncle Severus, I'd appreciate that very much,' Harry replied quickly.


"Harry is a what?!" Minerva asked flabbergasted. "A shape shifter?"

Severus smirked, seeing his colleague's shocked expression. "Yes, he managed to turn himself into a younger version of myself, telling me he was hiding from Dumbledore as my nephew, as which I introduced him to the old coot."

"What else can that child do? Mind talking, shape shifting…" Minerva started to list Harry's abilities, adjusting her glasses nervously, "what will be next? An Animagus?"

"It could be very useful, Minerva; therefore, I've promised to practise with him tomorrow morning if you approved. I assume you don't have time yourself to help him," Severus stated, raising an eyebrow.

Minerva sighed. "I feel really bad that I can't be there for Harry as much as I'd like at the moment, because I have so much work. I've promised him that I won't take the permanent position as headmistress; they have to look for someone else. Harry doesn't complain, but I'm sure he'd prefer that I had more time for him. It'll be bad enough when school begins and I have to teach during the day."

"Maybe you should think about hiring a teacher for him?" Severus suggested.

"Do you know someone who could teach a child who doesn't speak? I mean, Harry is very bright and alert, and he'll be able to learn easily, but it should be someone he feels comfortable with, so that he'd at least mind talk with them." Minerva thoughtfully looked at the picture Harry had drawn a few days ago, and suddenly made a decision. "I'll speak with Augusta Longbottom and ask who is teaching Neville. The two boys have become such good friends, maybe they could have classes together as well."

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