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Severus sighed. "Apparently, the Dumbledore ghost talked to the portrait of Eileen Blair, who is a relative of the Malfoys and has a portrait at Malfoy Manor. She told Lucius about our Hogsmeade visit."

"Where is that portrait?" Harry queried, trying to keep the anger out of his voice, causing Minerva to snort.

"Your friends, Hermione and Ginny, already took care of the portrait," Severus explained, smirking. "They burnt the portrait including the witch down mere hours after they were released from the hospital wing back in February."


The new school year began with lots of homework, and Harry and his classmates groaned, as all the teachers held monologues to them about what to expect being a sixth year and in the NEWT level classes. A few weeks into the new school year, Harry thought, 'We really need some fun. I have to think about something.' However, as much as he thought about it, he could not come up with a good idea, especially as he was very busy with his homework besides Quidditch practice and spending time at home playing with his brother every evening.

To his great amusement, it was his brother who finally gave him an idea. The five-year-old was still talking about the circus that had intrigued him so much, especially since he liked animals a lot. One day, he said to Harry, "Harry, I know what I want to be come when I'm big and finish Hogwarts." Seeing his adored big brother give him a curious look, he continued, "I want to become an animal healer, you know like Hagrid is helping animals, but I want to be a healer who can really cure them if they're sick."

"That sounds like a great idea, Felix! I'm sure you will make a great animal healer," Harry replied in surprise and amazement at his brother's choice.

"You think so?" Felix asked, excitedly jumping up and down with both legs. "Then I can also help the animals in the circus, and I'll have lots of money to watch the circus every day."

"That's a brilliant idea," Harry agreed, "and that reminds me of something. Uncle Godric, Uncle Tom and I should slowly begin practising if we want to participate in the circus in our Animagus forms next summer."

"Yay!" Felix shouted in excitement. "And I go and watch every day! Can I also watch your practice?"

Harry couldn't help laughing at his brother's enthusiasm. "I think so, but first of all I have to come up with an idea of what we are going to do. We have to plan everything out, before we can practise, don't we?"

Felix rolled his eyes. "That's easy. Uncle Godric is a unicorn or a dragon, something big anyway. Uncle Tom and you ride on it. Then all three of you transform into something else. That will be so funny!"

"What's going on here?" Minerva asked curiously, looking into Felix's room as she heard the boys giggling and chuckling.

Harry quickly filled her in on Felix's plan, causing the professor to smile as well. "I believe the idea is not bad, and at least it doesn't sound too dangerous. Maybe you could make use of the winter holidays to begin practising?"

"Yeah, I'll ask Uncle Tom and Uncle Godric later on," Harry said thoughtfully, just when another idea crossed his mind. 'Well, it's going to be a tad more dangerous than just riding on the back of Uncle Godric, of course,' he mused, absently listening to his mother telling Felix to go and get ready for bed.

"Harry? Harry! Harry, are you listening at all?" Minerva's voice suddenly penetrated his mind, and his mother was looking at him in clear exasperation.

"Oh, sorry Mum, I was thinking about the circus. I really like Felix's idea," Harry apologized quickly.

"Yes, it sounds interesting; however, please don't forget to be careful. Your safety is the most important thing," Minerva said softly as she stepped over to her oldest son and gently laid her arm around his shoulders. "Harry, are you feeling all right?" she asked worriedly. "You're very pale."

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