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Harry blushed deeply. 'What am I going to tell Uncle Severus?' he thought feverishly searching his mind for an idea. 'I can't tell him that Father Christmas won't bring me anything anyway because I'm not a good boy...' His musings were interrupted by the cold touch of a slender hand to his forehead.

"Are you feeling all right, Harry?" Severus asked in concern.

"Yes, I'm fine," Harry replied, inwardly groaning. "It's just, you know, Father Christmas never brings me presents, because I'm not a good boy."

Severus gasped and gave Harry an angry look. "Who told you such nonsense, Harry? That's ridiculous. You're a very good boy, and I'm sure that you'll receive lots of presents."

"I never got a present from Father Christmas," Harry admitted in a small voice, leaning tiredly on to Severus, who had sat down next to him on the sofa.

"We'll just have to wait and see, Harry, won't we? I bet you'll receive more presents than I," Severus replied. "Now Harry, are you feeling well enough to head for lunch, or do you want to lie down and sleep for a while?"

"Just stay here and sleep," Harry mumbled, already closing his eyes.

Severus scooped the child up on his arms and carefully laid him on the bed in his guest room, placed a cool cloth on the boy's forehead that still felt warm to the touch, and hurried to the fireplace. "Minerva, Harry and I won't be eating lunch in the Great Hall. He was exhausted and fell asleep on the sofa. I thought we could have lunch here after his nap. Would you care to join us? We could have tea together while Harry is asleep," he suggested in a soft voice.

Minerva agreed and floo-ed into Severus' quarters. "Why didn't you make him eat lunch first?" she enquired. "He knows that he mustn't miss meals."

"He was exhausted after we brewed together, and I had the impression that he's not completely back to his usual self. I thought it was for the best if he slept for a while."

"All right," Minerva agreed, slightly concerned.

"However, I have to speak about something else with you," Severus continued. "I asked him what he believed Father Christmas would bring him for Christmas. How do you think he'd have replied?"

Minerva sighed. "I've no idea," she replied, feeling strangely helpless at the question. "As far as I know Harry, he'd wish for a book."

Severus let out a small snort. "He told me that he never received a present from Father Christmas, because he wasn't a good boy, and that he wouldn't expect to get one this year either."

"He what?" Minerva blurted out, jumping up from her seat. "Oh, I'm going to kill Petunia."

"No Minerva; Harry needs you here and not in Azkaban," Severus said, calmingly putting an arm around her shoulder, when she sat back on the sofa.


That evening, when Minerva took Harry to bed and kissed him good night, he remembered something that he needed to ask, "Aunt Minerva, what can I give Uncle Severus and Aunt Poppy for Christmas? Uncle Severus told me that I can give people whom I like a present for Christmas."

Minerva smiled at the excited child. "You're so adept at painting, sweetie. Why don't you paint a picture for each of them, and if you want, we can go to Hogsmeade and buy frames for them."

"Oh, that's a good idea. Can I do that right now?" Harry asked, giving Minerva a pleading glance.

"No Harry, remember what Aunt Poppy told us when she checked on you after dinner. You're not really well yet, and you have to sleep as much as you can. You'll have enough time to draw your pictures tomorrow, sweetheart."

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