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When Harry's mind slowly came back to awareness, he felt an enormous pain in his head. He lazily tried to open his eyes to assess where he was and if anyone was with him and saw Minerva and Severus sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Mummy," he mumbled miserably, causing Minerva and Severus to turn their attention to him instantly.

"Oh Harry, you're awake! Thank Merlin!" Minerva gasped in relief, before she leaned over him and gently kissed his forehead.

Severus gave him a small smile. "You gave us quite a fright, young man. How do you feel?"

'My head,' Harry thought back, 'hurts terribly.'

"Your head hurts badly? I believe that, Harry. You have a concussion, and with all the pain tenfold, it must be horrible. Here Harry, drink this. It'll help," Severus told him in a soft voice.

Minerva helped Harry to sit up, and he gratefully gulped down the potion, noticing that the pain became bearable but still was not completely gone. 'Thank you,' he thought, gratefully.

"Do you remember what happened, sweetie?" Minerva asked softly.

Harry considered the question for a moment. 'We were at the Weasleys, weren't we?' he thought back.

"Yes, sweetie, and you fell off your broom. You've been unconscious for a few days," Minerva explained.

"Miraculously, you only received a concussion from your fall," Severus added. "You were very lucky, Harry, even if you feel absolutely awful at the moment."

Harry gave him a slight smile that did not reach his eyes and could not hide how miserable he felt.


Harry had to stay in bed for a few days. On Monday morning, just before Minerva headed to her first class, Teddy suddenly popped up at Harry's side.

"Good morning, Master Harry," the little elf cheered, bowing deeply, only to add immediately, "Oh, I is sorry, Master Harry, Teddy forgots, Teddy no bow."

'Hello Teddy,' Harry replied, happy to see the little elf. 'Did you come to visit me?'

"Yes, Master Harry, Teddy was asks to stay with Harry while Mistress Professor McGonagall teaches classes. I is happy to stay with Master Harry."

'That's great,' Harry replied. 'Teddy, tell me what you do all day?'

"Ah, Teddy dos lots of things, Master Harry. My parents tells me that normally a house elf child must cleans the floors of the halls for two years, and then they mays cleans the floor of the Great Hall. After that they learns to cleans up the dormitories and dos the washing. Only if they cans dos all of that, they may learns to works in the kitchen. But because Teddy is already bonded, Teddy must not dos these works. Teddy mays helps the teachers, cleans the teachers' rooms, brings something to thems if they needs something, and of course bes with Master Harry if Master Harry needs Teddy. If Master Harry wants Teddy to dos something, Teddy wills dos, because Master Harry is Teddy's master."

'So you will do what I tell you to do?' Harry asked incredulously.

"Yes, of course, Master Harry," Teddy replied, smiling.

'What do you like to do most, Teddy?' Harry thought to the elf.

"Teddy likes most learning, learning magic and learning about the castle."

'I like that too,' Harry beamed, and suddenly came up with what he thought was a brilliant idea. 'Teddy, how about you attend my lessons? Uncle Remus teaches Neville and me every day, well, at least when I'm allowed to get up again. Maybe you could sit with us and learn too?' he asked excitedly.

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