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When Minerva and Severus entered the Gryffindor tower, they noticed immediately that Peeves and Dumbledore were making a chaos not only in the common room but also in each of the dormitories.

Severus hurried to the fireplace and called the headmaster. "Tom, could you please floo over into the Gryffindor common room and transform into the Bloody Baron to teach these menacing ghosts a lesson?"

"Of course," Tom replied, smirking, and did as he was asked, until two very subdued ghosts left through the Gryffindor portrait with Peeves floating faster than anyone had him ever seen move before.

"I won't ask what you said or did to them, but thanks a lot, Tom," Severus said, grinning. "Maybe the Bloody Baron could take lessons from you."

Tom chuckled. "At least you've seen Ghost Dumbledore this time. It was your first time, wasn't it?" he queried, quirking an eyebrow.

Minerva let out a long sigh. "Yes it was the first time, but let me tell you it was completely unnecessary," she replied in a crisp voice.

For the rest of the evening, the three teachers helped the house elves return the Gryffindor tower to its original state.

When Minerva and Severus returned home, they found Harry fast asleep in Minerva's bed right next to Felix's crib.

"Just leave him here, Severus; I'll push him further to the middle when I go to bed," Minerva said softly, causing her husband to nod in understanding.


From the Slytherin table, Harry watched the Sorting with interest. 'Thank Merlin we have the study rooms,' he mused in relief when he saw Ginny being sorted into Gryffindor and Luna into Ravenclaw. 'Oh no, they have to use the first years' study room,' he suddenly realized. 'Maybe I'll just have to ask my friends to visit me in my room at home.'

When everyone had finished their dinner, the headmaster rose from his seat to make an announcement, before the dessert was served. "Dear students, we have decided to set up three new Quidditch teams apart from the house teams, one Hogwarts team for students from all houses, one Primary school team, and one Teachers' team. These three teams will of course not participate in the house cup, but they will have their own competition against each other."

After a huge applause from the students had died down, the headmaster continued, "Since this was the idea of Harry McGonagall-Snape, who was sad that he was unable to play on a house team due to the fact that he belongs to two houses, I've decided to make Harry captain and Seeker of the Hogwarts team. He will work along with the four current Quidditch captains of the house teams, and he's going to hold tryouts during the next couple of weeks, provided that he can't set up a team in accordance with the four captains."

'Tom, could you please ask the four house team captains to meet with me here at the Slytherin table tomorrow right after dinner?' Harry quickly thought to the headmaster.

Tom cleared his throat and ended his speech with Harry's request.

After dinner, Harry accompanied his father to the Slytherin common room for the traditional welcoming house meeting, before he hurried back to his parents' quarters and helped his mother to bathe Felix and get the little tyke ready for bed.

When Felix was fast asleep, the small family met in the living room for tea. For a few minutes, Harry played with a biscuit, before he sighed and asked hesitantly, "Mum, Dad, what do you think? I'd like to make Teddy my Co-captain. Would that be all right?"

"If you intend to let the Hogwarts team play against other schools, they'll certainly be astonished to see a house elf play Quidditch," Severus replied thoughtfully. "However, that shouldn't prevent you from doing so. You should ask Teddy first though, before you speak to anyone else about the matter."

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