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Harry suddenly found himself in a huge stone room, with damp stone walls that showed their age with numerous cracks in various spots. Along the walls, there were numerous sconces that were artfully placed between countless portraits. As Harry was taking in the room four of the portraits surrounding the room came to life. Two men and two women, whom Harry had never seen before, stepped out of their frames and towards Harry.

'That lady kinda looks like the Grey Lady,' Harry realised, pensively. He looked around with anxiousness, wondering, 'Where am I?'

"Hello Harry, how nice of you to join us," one of the men, who was dressed in robes of a deep red and had mane-like red hair that flowed over his powerful shoulders, greeted him friendly. His green eyes shone like emeralds in the light of the fire. Obviously noticing the child's frightened expression, he added, "By the way, we're the founders of Hogwarts."

Seeing that Harry's eyes widened in surprise, the lady who resembled the Grey Lady spoke to the other, "See, it's like I always tell you, 'Men'! Instead of introducing us properly, he only makes the child more anxious." She took a step into Harry's direction and gifted him with a calming smile. "Hello Harry, I'm Rowena Ravenclaw, and this is my good friend Helga Hufflepuff." She introduced the beautiful woman in buttercup coloured dress robes with gingery red hair, eyes of the colour of sapphires, and a plump motherly figure, and then she introduced the other two in the room, "The man with the bad manners is Godric Gryffindor, and the grumpy one is Salazar Slytherin." Pointing out each of the men as she formally introduced them. "Have you ever heard our names?"

Harry cast the nice woman, who was wearing royal blue dress robes with midnight coloured hair that was unnecessarily decorated with a beautiful crown-like tiara, an apologetic smile and in a very small voice answered. "Hello Mrs. Ravenclaw. I'm sorry, I've only heard your names because it's where the house names come from and because I read it in my favourite book 'Hogwarts – A History'."

"That's all right, Harry. We called you here, through your familiar, to tell you everything that you must know," Rowena replied softly. "Do you know that you're the heir of two of us?"

'I wonder what an air is.' Harry thought, as he gave her an astonished look before he slightly shook his head. Rowena turned to the long line of portraits on one of the walls and called, "Lily, what are you waiting for?"

A much younger woman stepped out from the last portrait on the wall on Harry's left. Harry let out a small gasp. 'That's my Mummy,' he thought. 'Or at least she looks exactly like the woman Aunt Minerva showed me in the photos and said was my real mummy.'

"Hello Harry," Lily greeted her son, kneeling in front of him and pulling him into a gentle but loving bear's hug, while Harry tried not to flinch back too much.

'What does all this mean? Am I dead? Or am I stuck in a dream? Everything is so unreal and confusing.' Harry gave his mother a quizzical look. "Mum? Are you really my Mummy?"

"Yes, sweetie, I'm your real Mummy. I know that Minerva has adopted you and is your new Mummy, and I'm glad about it, because she's a very good Mummy for you." She turned to one of the other walls. "Oh, James, you lazybones, come on and say hello to your son."

'James? Is that my Daddy?' Harry thought confused. 'What's happening here?' A man came from the last portrait of the wall in front of Harry.

"Hello Harry, I'm your Daddy. I'm sorry that we can't be here in person with you, but I know you're doing well now, and we're always watching everything you do, son. And know that we will always love you." James said, sounding truthful, as Lily nodded her head in agreement.

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