Chapter 1

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3 months after 'The End.'


It's been three months after the 'incedent' and Tord had been kicked out of the Red Army, after exposing their plans, destroying their most powerful wepon and proving to be an awful leader. So for now he is sleeping on park benches and allyways, also he has gotten very underweight since he can't afford food or water.
Tords eyes snapped open as the sun began to blind is one good eye, squinting through the light, he could see that he was still on the same park bench he was on last night, he moaned as his left arm got hit by something.

"Sorry, mister." A youngish voice yelled at him, Tord turned to see an about 13 year old boy with scruffy blond hair. The boy ran up and collected to football that had hit Tords injered arm.
"It's alright, here." Tord nudged the ball to the boy with his toe.

As he got up he felt the useless lump of his left arm shooting pain all through his body, he just gritted his teeth and started walking. As he turned into an allyway he spotted a half eaten McDonalds chicken nugget meal with a nearly full small coke, jackpoint, he thought to himself. As he was about to sit down and start his first meal for 2 weeks, he heard a small meaw from next to him, Tord turned around to see a semi-big large cat digging in his nuggets.
"Shoo, shoo, shoooooo!" He pushed the feline away, only to make a loud gasp.
"R-RINGO?" The cat looked up to see what was the cause of the noise.
"Oh my god, Ringo, why arn't you with Edd?" He couldn't help but flinch as memories of his old friend popped into his head.

"Ringo? Ringo? Ringo where are you?" The cat ran towards his name and Tord shuddered as he reconised the voice, Edd. And as he guessed it Edd, scooped up his kitten is this green covered arms. "Where did you, go? Me, Matt and Tom have been worried sick. What was so interesting down there anyway?"
No, no, no don't come down here, "T-Tord?"
"H-hi Edd,"
"What, what are you doing here?"
"Nothing, I'm just leaving." Tord steped into the light, which was a bad idea, he heard a gasp from Edd.
"T-Tord your face, and your arm. What happend?"
"Oh, just, you know, side effects of being blasted into space by a harpoon." Tord said simply.
"Well, you must come back to my apartment, so I can patch you up." This was where Tord started to panic, Tom will kill me if he sees me, and what will Matt say, after I punched his face.
"We won't go see Matt and Tom strait away," Edd said simply, like he could read my mind. I simply nodded as he grabbed my good arm and held Ringo in the other.
"Here we are, home sweet home," Edd said hapily. As he led me inside we went strait to the bathroom. Edd told me to sit on the toilet seat as he went to go get some first aid supplise. About five mins later Edd appeared with a green box. "So... uhhhh.... Tord, your um... arm, c-can you move it?" Edd stuttered.
"No, its compleatly unresponsive." Tord said flatly. "O-ok, so this may hurt abit." The smaller male said. Taking out a yellow bottle of spray.
"W-what do yo- AGGHGGHHGH" The yellowish spray felt like fire on his skin.

Several yelled phrases later and apoligies from Edd, Tord had his arm bandaged, his face sprayed and an eye patch on his blind eye (Edd had sighed and said they couldn't do anything about his ear).
"Right, there you go."
"T-thanks Edd." Tord couldn't help it, he started crying.
"Tord are you ok, nothing else hurts does it, why are you crying?"
"I-its just, t-that youv'e been s-so nice to me, a-and I've been nothing but horrible to you."
"Oh Tord, whats in the past is in the past, lets just look to the future."
"T-thank you Edd."
"Now, I haven't got room in my house for you to stay here for more than tonight, and Matt's house is hardly big enough for himself, let alone someone else.... So that just leaves-"
"No, no, no, NO!"
"T-Tord, we have no other-"
"H-he'll kill me, or harpoon me again and I would prefer to not trip over Smirnoff bottles every step, because Im guessing he's still a dr-"
"TORD! We have no other choice." The taller male looked down in defeat, it was settled, he was going to die.
"Lets go let Tom and Matt know your here."
"Matt first, then we can handle Tom."
Yeah.... Thats proberly for the best.

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