Chapter 19: Slowly getting there (End)

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This chapter sucks, sorry.

Tord's p.o.v

I smiled as Tom fell back asleep, he reminded me of myself when was younger. I would have a nightmare and go to the only family I had: Paul and Pat. Even though they weren't my real parents and definitely not the best they gave me a safe place to live, well as safe as an army base could get. My thoughts subsided to the last time I had seen them.

They were in a hospital bed, strapped down. Paul had been taken arrested by the police and refused to give any information about the army. Eventually they found his badge, even though he denied it was his, he was given the death penalty. Three injections. After we found out, I demand we get him back. We finally found where he was but it was too late. He was gone. The police managed to grab a few of us as we were escaping, one of which being Pat. I watched from our hiding spot as they injected the first needle into him. An anaesthetic, he squirmed and gave a yelp of pain as the point broke flesh, however he passed out with the second drug. While the Doctor looked for the third one, Pat had woken up. He yelled out as the last one was injected.
"He's awake! Are you blind? He's AWAKE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, giving away our hiding spot. I felt hands try to pull me away but, I just stood there in utter shock as Pat yelled and screamed in pain. The last injection would slowly stop his heart. I watched as the man who would comfort and protect me, cry and scream. I watched as he cursed. Then I watched as he fell limp and they wheeled him away.

I finally got snapped out of my memory by Tom. He had his arms around my neck, cuddling into my chest.
"Tord? Are you ok?"
"Y-Yeah, I- just a memory."
"Want to talk about it?" I nodded my head,
"It was about Paul and Pat."
"I-It was their death..." I heard my voice crack and tears threaten to fall. "T-They where executed." I couldn't hold it back anymore, I started to cry.
"Oh Tord. What happened?"
"You know how the army's illegal?"
"Well, they where arrested." He didn't say anything else, but he stayed hugging me. Sighing, I noticed how this was all that I needed. Tom was all that I needed. "Thanks."
"You're welcome. Now I haven't had a shower in ages and I stink."
"Yeah you do."
"Love you too." He muttered as he got up and walked over to the bathroom.
"Guess I should probably get up too." I mumbled to myself as I got out of bed and groggily stumbled into the kitchen and poured a glass of milk.

Tom's p.o.v

I scowled at my reflection, I hated the way that I look. My abnormal eyes, my round face, my messy hair but nothing can really help with that. I turned the shower on and hopped in, letting the water drench me. I reached down and grabbed the black bottle of shampoo, closing my eyes as I rubbed it in. I rinsed it out and put in the conditioner. As I rubbed it in I could feel the grease and sweat. Cringing, I washed it out.

Eventually I finished and got out. I took another glance at myself, the heat from the steam had made all my bruises and injuries look worse, I brushed over them all remembering what each said in my dream. Sighing, I dried myself of and put on the same clothes I had before.

Stumbling slightly I shoved my hand into my pockets and shuffled over to the kitchen, Tord was standing beside the stove, he had my blue apron on and the smell of pig grease filled the small room.
"Yep, want some?"
"No thanks."
"I'm not hungry." He gave me a sideways look,
"You need to eat, otherwise we'll keep going downhill."
"Ugh, fine." I grumbled, knowing he was right. Did I was the bacon? No, but I was willing to give it a try. For Tord.

No p.o.v

He waited patiently at the table as the dish was placed in front of him. Smiling, Tom thanked Tord for the breakfast and ate it, every piece of it. He still felt ill but refused to throw it up.

Days went past and Tom got better and better. Tord never left him, just as he promised. They where together, perfect ripped pieces of paper, stuck together with the tape of love.

The four grew happy together, Edd and Matt, Tom and Tord. They would occasionally argue, but never parted. And for that, Tom was thankful for. This was the end he wanted, and end that didn't involve death or harpoons or giant robots. No, this was the end Tom loved. This was the end that involved love and hard work and overcoming. Tom never drank alcohol, nor did he harm. He stopped seeing all the scars as ugly cracks, and instead saw them as proof of every war he had one. They weren't scars of weakness, they were battle scars. From a battle he's still fighting. A battle he's slowly winning.

The End

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