Chapter 18: The Nightmare returns...

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Tord's p.o.v

He did it! He actually ate! I was so proud of Tom, he tried so hard.
"I'm gonna hit the hay." He muttered, heading of to bed.
"Same," I walk into the bedroom and flopped on the bed,
"We should probably get changed for once,"
"Ugh, that involves movement." I said into the pillow.
"Get up and go get changed." He said flatly,
"Fineeee." I moaned and walked into the spare bedroom to go get some bed clothes. I eventually decided on a red baggy shirt and some tracksuit bottoms.

I quickly got dressed and knocked on the door. "I'm dressed, do I have you permission to sleep now?"
"Yeah," I opened the door, and immediately felt my face heat up. Tom stood in front of me, his arms crossed against his bare chest! He had some loose shorts on that stopped just above his knee's.
"Tord you ok?"
"Yeah, just fine." His chest was littered with bruises and scars, probably from his childhood and you know who. I didn't mind the imperfections, they just made him more original.

He walked over to the bed and snuggled under the covers. I did the same on my side. Me being taller wrapped my arms around the back of his body, curving myself so he was the little spoon. I soon fell asleep in the bush on top of Tom's head.

Tom's p.o.v

I was back in the cage, yay. I looked around as the chains on my wrists shook and clanked.
"Hey Tom."
"Aww, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."
"No. Someone woke up on the wrong side of a cold stone floor." Edd gave a sadistic laugh and called over the others.
"Oh boy, I can't wait." I said sarcastically, someone's confident today.
"Any reason?"
"Not really, let's just get your favourite part of the day over with."
"Yes let's, Matt?"
"You don't have to tell me twice." He quickly unlocked the cell door and gave a running kick to my stomach. Causing me to cough up blood,
"Nice *cough* kick."
"I can do better," he smirked at me and kicked my harder, I could feel my ribs cracking. More blood fell from my mouth and onto the floor. I couldn't help myself, I screamed out in pain. "Ah there's the sound we all love." I gave him a icy glare as he punched my face. Nearly knocking me out, as expected, Tord injected the drug that keeps me awake into my neck, making me yell once again.

"Stop being such a baby," he whispered into my ear before leaving. Matt smirked at me and gave my another kick to the face, causing a a couple of teeth to fall out.
"*Cough* Jesus *Cough* Matt, new *cough* boots?"
"Yeah steel-toe, hope you like them 'cuz you'll be seeing a lot of them in the future. He gave me yet another kick to the stomach, this time it was harder and full of more force. I jolted forward, making my chains rip into my flesh. "Thats me done, Edd? Careful, he's being difficult."
"Great," he muttered sarcastically.

"Hello Tom," I simply nodded in his direction, unable to speak due to the fact that whenever I would open my mouth I would cough up blood. "Aww, not speaking." He gave me a disappointed look. "You'll soon will be." He smiled insanity.

He undid my chains, this in knew, and carried me over to an operation table, of course. He put me down onto to the bed and put metal cuffs over my wrists, ankles, waist and neck. Oh this is going to be fun. I sarcastically thought.
"Ready as  I'll ever be," I managed to mutter without choking on my own blood.
"Good," he tightened all the cuff so I couldn't even slightly move otherwise I'll hurt. He giggled at my fear, "oh, Tom, just don't move and it won't hurt." He said as he looked in his cupboard. "Aha," he brought out a medium cooking knife. Gulping, I prepared for the inevitable. He pressed the knife onto my side, "Ummm, yeah, here."
"Glad to here you made up your mind." I muttered.
"Awww, thank you Thomas." He pressed harder into my skin, causing me to bite my lip to stop cries of pain. He slowly dragged in along to the other side of my stomach. I screamed as he basically split my stomach in half, I shook my head and tried to break out of the cuffs. The movement made the one around my neck tighten and the ones around my limbs dig into my wrists and ankles. I gasped for air,
"E-Edd, p-please-" I begged, knowing I can't die from what ever Tord injected into me, so I'll just be left suffering. "EDD!" I was breathless,
"But it's so fun seeing you struggle."
"E-E- ple- plea-" I couldn't even finish a simple word.
"Ugh, fine." I loosed the one around my windpipe and I immediately took a large gasp for air. "I'm done with yo now, Tord can have his go." He threw his knife 
behind him, stabbing me in the leg. I let out the loudest scream yet. Mainly from how unexpected the sudden pain was, I pushed my wrists against the cuffs once again. "Ooops." He said simply before removing it, making me yell more, and throwing it into his cupboard.

Tord walked in, he undid me from the bed and put me back to my normal place, yet he left me unchained.
"That was brilliant."
"Glad you enjoyed the show." I spat at him, knowing I'll pay for it later.
"Such a short temper." He muttered. He brought out a needle and thread. "Yeah, this ones gonna need stitches." He looked at my stomach, almost with sympathy, he's just messing with me. He looked at me before speaking again. "Every time it hurts, I want you to say something bad about yourself. Got it?" I solemnly nodded, "good."

He pierced the pin into me, "Agh, Spaz"
"Good," he pulled it out again,
"Ow, idiot,"
"AH! Umm.. Weak."
"Frick, pointless."
"Retard," the list carried, eventually I had twenty words and ten stitches.
"I believe thats us done. You can rest now." He put the cuff back on my wrists. Just then the drug from before stopped working, and I was already passed out while Tord was locking up.

I shot awake, a loud yell escaped my lips, waking Tord up.
"Tom are you ok?" He quietly mumbled, still half asleep.
"Y-yeah." My voice didn't match my words. I was on the verge of crying,
"Nightmare?" I nodded, "Come here," he held his arms open and I filled in the space he left for me. "It was just a stupid dream alright?"
"Y-Yeah, just a stupid dream." I agreed with him, burying my face into his chest. I slowly fell back into a dreamless sleep.

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