Chapter 15: Chinese food

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Tom p.o.v

"Hello?" I called out into the dark abyss.
"Where am I?" Once again I was met with silence. A cold wind prickled my skin.
"Hello Tom...." That voice, I recognised that voice.... Tord.
"T-Tord what's happening?"
"Oh, not much, just, ya know, the truth."
"I'm here to tell you the truth." I knew what was to come. I prepared myself for the pain.
"Let's start shall we?"
"Y-Yeah..." I let out a shaky breath, "just get it over with."
"Ok, remember, this is all true, we don't want you living a lie do we, you pathetic-"
Pang! A knife with 'pathetic' carved into it appeared from mid air and stabbed into my back. "-worthless" pang! "idiotic" pang! "spaz" pang!

I felt the blood dripping down my back, it was warm and non-stop. I fell to my knee's the pain too much to bare. Tears started to form at the corners of my eyes
"I-I'm pathetic,"
"I'm worthless,"
"I'm a burden."
"Three in a row."
Pang! The last knife went into my chest. "Now die, you waist of space!"
"...waist of space." I was surrounded by cold, it went into my throat, stoping my breathing. Slowly, my eyes closed and the darkness consumed me.

Tord's p.o.v

I watched as Tom suddenly lay still on my shoulder. He was shaking and mumbling things again, and I listened to what he was saying. The last thing that escaped his lips was 'waist of space,' then he suddenly stopped. I wanted to think that it was just the nightmare finished, but I knew better than that by now.
"Tom, honey, wake up." Still nothing. "Tom, please wake up." I shook him lightly.
"Ugh, Tord?"
"Finally, Tom, are you ok?"
"Nononono, please don't hurt me." He jumped back to the other side of the couch. It broke my heart to hear that he would even think about me hurting him.
"Shhhhhhh, it's just a nightmare. I will never hurt you." Again, I mentally grimaced, remember the events of the 'incident.' I softly stroked his hair, showing him that it was ok.
"Y-Yeah, just a nightmare."
"Want to talk about it?" He shook his head, "are you sure, I promise to listen."
"Ok," he explained what happened in the dream.

"Tom, look at me." His eyes drifted towards mine, they were full of guilt and sadness. "You are not pathetic, worthless, idiotic or what ever else I said in your mind. You are a wonderful boy that I love very much." He smiled and gave me a soft hug, covering his face in my black shirt, I nuzzled my head into his neck, smelling Tom's sent on my hoodie.
"I love you too, Commie."

Just then Edd walked in, nervously holding Matt's hand.
"So, the two lovebirds finally got together?"
"Aha, yeah, me and Matt are dating." I smiled at the new couple, Tom attempted to give them a thumbs up, but my sleeves were too long to see his hands. Giggling I gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"I like red on you,"
"I like red on me too," he wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me softly, making me blush, "I like red on you too." This only made me blush more.
"Ok, now that you two are done making out, Edd wanted Chinese food and I was gonna order it now so...."
"Oh yeah, can I get some Chicken noodles, ooh, and get some of that fancy whiskey!"
"Tom, I'm not sure you should-"
"Tord, It'll be alright, I won't drink too much and if I start to get out of control, you can just stop me." I was still hesitant, but agreed with him,
"Alright, can I have some sweet and sour chicken balls?" I said turning my gaze back to Matt.
"Sure, drink?"
"I'll have some of Tom's whiskey."
"No you wo-"
"Tom, you said you won't drink it all, and I want to try it."
"Fine." He pouted like a small child.
"K, I'll go order." Smiling, Matt took Edd's hand and went to go order in the kitchen.

Matt's p.o.v

I was just about to ring the restaurant when Edd spoke up.
"Did you see the thing on Tom's arm?"
"What are you on about?" I looked at him, confused.
"When he was cuddling Tord, his sleeve fell down and he had a bloody bandage on his arm."
"No, I didn't see, do you think he's alright?" I was genuinely concerned about Tom. Why would he need bandages on his arm? Why didn't he tell us?
"I-I don't know..."
"Let's not tell him we know about it, yet, let's just keep an eye on him."
"Alright, also Matt?"
"Can you order me a Cola?"
"Diet," I jokingly asked. Edd looked at me disgusted and started gagging,
"We are officially over." He turned his back to me and crossed his arms. I wrapped my arms round his neck from behind,
"I was kidding," he turned his head away from me huffing, I kissed he cheek, "forgive me yet?"
"Not yet."
"What about now?" I turned his face towards me and kissed his lips, the cola taste filled my mouth.
"Fine, but next time you won't get a second chance." I smiled and pulled him into a hug. He walked out and I went to order, picking up my phone I tried to turn it on but a black screen was presented, flat.

I walked into the living room, I found the gang all sat on the couch talking.
"Hey guys. Umm.... my phones kinda died so can one of you order the food."
"I can't my phones flat as well." Edd stated.
"Tord? Can you?"
"Hello, communist, wanted in multiple countries, ex-army leader, lazy, any of them ring a bell?" Sighing I turned to Tom,
"Fine, whatever." He grabbed his phone out of Tord's hoodie, and typed in the number, I got a glance of Tom's arm, Edd was right. He held the phone to his ear.

Tom's p.o.v (short)

"Hello, this is Ready To Wok may I take your order?" A familiar voice filled the phone, I was unable to speak, "hello? Are you there?" The male voice asked.....


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