Chapter 9: Reliving the past.

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Tom's p.o.v

After we cleaned up the plates, I dragged Edd into the kitchen, leaving Tord with Matt.
"Tom, was there a reason you yanked me here, or was it just for fun?"
"Um, accually," I said while opening up a alochol-free beer, "is everything ok with Matt? Agh- these are disgusting, TORD I HATE THE NEW BEERS!"
"FINE! So Edd, is Matt ok?" I said, turning the convosation back to more important matters.
"W-Why?" I could hear worry in his voice,
"Because, he seems to be sleeping alot at the moment."
"I have noticed that, but be just shrugged his shoulders and said he was fine."
"Just, keep an eye on him."
"We should prober-" before I could finish my sentence, Edd had pulled me into a hug, "Edd what are you doing? Are you crying?"
"T-Thank you Tom."
"For what?"
"So many things," I was starting to get really confused now,
"Enlighten me."
"Oh Tom, remember when we where in high school, you where such a punk but you talked to a loser like me. Then even got Matt, the popular kid, to talk to me. Then Tord moved here from Norway and you agreed to help him settle in.
You kept so meny secrets, about your dad, your depresstion basicly all the pain in you life. When you eventually told us, you cried.... alot, but then, you smiled, and you keep fighting and smiling.
After school, we all moved in together and during Christmas, even though you hated it, you help us put up the tree every year, and bought us all gifts.
Then Tord left, and as much as you refuse to admit it, it afected you, alot. But you never let it show. After that, your drinking got worse and your where dunk more days then you where sober. But you still smiled when you could." I had tears in my eyes at this point, still hugging Edd. "Then Tord came back and.... well... you know...." I nodded in understanding.
"I noticed your mood go down, and watched you slowly break. I felt so bad, so I emptied out you fridge. But you had more, I shouldv'e checked." He was crying a river at this point.
"Tord came back. You took some help, but you accepted him back."
"Edd I'm-I'm not that good, I'm-"
"Your ripped at the edges, but that can be fixed, we just need to find your tape and glue." I couldn't find words, I just smiled wiped away the tears away, gave Edd one last hug and went to go see what Matt and Tord were doing. And oh my god was it an amazing sight:

Tord was sitting crossed legged on the floor, with Matt kneeling behind him. He had his hair stuck up, his two devil horns faided in the new style on his head. He had a baggy pink t-shirt on and some small blue shorts. His pale legs had been shaved, to make them look feminine, his robot arm layed on the floor next to him. His stubble had been shaved as well. His one blind eye was covered with a patch so it avoided anymore harm. His scars look like they belonged on his face, instead of it making his face look like a mismatched puzzle. He was smiling and humming some unknown tune, clearly enjoying having his hair brushed by Matt.

I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing, making them both jump and Tord's face go compeatly red.
"O-Oh my G-God, I need, m-my phone." I managed to get out inbetween my laughing fit. I managed to snap a picture, my jaw hurting from all this laughter.
"I think I did an amazing job." Matt somewhat protested.
"Y-you sure d-did, Matt."
"Ok, well I'm going to go get changed."
"No, don't," I managed to calm down and look at Tord. "You where having fun, and you do like it, I can see it in you eyes. So, I'm done mocking you, you accually don't look top bad." I told him, "don't change yourself to please other people." I finished, smiling, truth be told, he look adorable, yes, Tord does look adorable, and yes you do love him, Tom, your gay. A voice echoed in his head,
"Toms right Tord, be yourself." Edd said, snapping me back to life. Then suddenly his eyes lit up, "be right back," and with that he was out the door.
"Welp, he's gone,"
"Yeah, so Tord, are you gonna go change?"
"Accually, no."
"Good." Matt sat down on the couch and started flicking through channels.
"I'm back," Edd burst through the door and ran up to Tord. He placed something on his head.... A red flower crown, "There."
"Omg, it's so perfect." I felt my cheeks growing hot as I look at Tord, he really did suit this look, his flower crown tilted and fell over one of his eyes. He giggled and put it back into place. Edd then realised the time and yelped.
"Guys its half eleven, me and Matt should proberly head back."
"Ok, see ya Edd, Matt."
Tord looked up and smiled at them both, "bye guys, tonight was fun,"
"Yeah it was, see ya, come on Edd." Matt replied. And with that, they were gone.

Tords p.o.v

They really did forgive me, I couldn't help but smile and fix my flower crown, since it was falling again.
"How the hell where you an army leader?"
"What?" I turned and saw Tom smurking,
"Your childish, funny, playful and a big softie."
"Ha, I guess you right." I let a yawn escape my lungs, "Imma hit the hay,"
"My bed?"
"Isn't it our bed by now?"
"Tord, no."
"Fine, but yes. It's late, and I'm not letting you have another nightmare."
"Ok," Tom left to go get changed, and I looked in the mirror, I look alright, I might stay pastel for abit, be a proper fairy boy. I took off my flower crown, and went to bed in my shirt and shorts.

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