Champter 6: Hangovers and Crushes!

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Tom's p.o.v

Ugghhhh, what time is it? I rolled over and grabbed my phone off the bedside table. As I turned it on I forgot to turn the brightness down, so the screen burnt my eyes. Holy over done fishcakes! I checked the time, it was 10 am. I tried to go back to sleep, however as I moved a sharp pain stabbed through my head, a pain I reconised: I was hungover. I threw the covers off earning a grown from the figure next to me. Oh yeah, Tord slept here. I debaited waking him up or not, he looked so peacful sleeping, without a care in the world. I desided to leave him looking adorable, no adorable because TOM YOUR NOT GAY!!! A voice in my head screamed out.

As I got up, I lost my balance and was sent crashing down, as I hit the (making a loud crash) I heard Tord start waking up. He slowly sat up, his hair looked like a squished bush, his eyes still drooping, his maroon shirt baggy and creased on his thin body.
"-ugh, what was that crash?" His groggy voice groaned as he sat up.
"That crash was ME now please give me a hand up, I've got a killer hangover and desperatly need to get to the meds cabernet in the bathroom."
"Fine, I'll go get the tablets, you just stay there."
"On the floor?"
Jeezzz, thanks for helping,"
"-or I could just run round the place shouting and playing music-"
"No, It's fine."

Tord's p.o.v

I left Tom on the floor of the bed room and headed to the bathroom. I quickly got the pain killers, just as I was about to head back to Tom, something green caught my eye. I went over to the small dark green box and inside where a strainge asortment of pills. I desided that I would as Tom about that later, closing the box I remembered why I came in here in the first place. I filled a cup with water and took it, along with the pain killers over to Tom.

"Thanks," he mumbled as I gave him the items.
"No problem, hay want me to make you a cup of tea?"
"Because tea is ment to be good for hangovers."
"Sure, but your gonna have to borrow some from Edd, or Matt." His word where groggy and it was easy to see he was in pain.
"Alright, see ya in a sec."

Warning- MattEdd, just a bit..

I walk across too Edd's house and knocked on the door.
"It's open!" I heard a voice from inside whisper-yell. I pushed the door open as saw Matt sleeping on the couch his body spralled, like a ragdoll. I walked past the sleeping ginger, and mett Edd in the kitched, he was sitting on the table, holding a cup of coffee.
"Hay Edd," he looked up and smiled sleeperly at me,
"Oh, hay Tord."
"How come Matts on the couch."
"Oh yeah," I could swear on my life I saw a blush! "Well Matt was over here last night and we were watching 'The Childen' and Matt started dozing off into my shoulder" his face was basicly my hoodie, and he was giggling childishly.
"Somebody has a crush on the red-head" I teased,
"Shhhhhh, not so loud, anyway, what are you here for?"
"To see my best friend in the whole wide world," he gave a look as if to say 'really?' "Fine, I need some tea bags," I sighed.
"K." He grabbed the box and gave me a handful of bags from inside it.
"Thanks Edd,"
"No problem, Tord." I heard Matt starting to wake up, and I was sure Edd would want to be alone with him.
I left and went into our apartment.

As I walked I could feel something was off, I set the handful of tea bags on the table and started walking over towards Toms bedroom, as I grew closer I could hear a yelp, some phycotic laughter. I quick opened the door and froze at what I saw: Tom was now on the bed, shaking slightly but puttling on a plastic smile, and there was saten himself sitting next to him, laughing his brains out-Jack.
"What the HELL are you doing here?"
"Oh hello old friend-"
"Nope, nope, nope, do NOT start you sentences like that, because one: I'm not your friend, Two: Thats my thing," I yelled at him, why is he here, hes already done enough, "What the faen are you doing here?!"
"Because Tord, I'm Tom's friend, I came to check up on him..." Tom flinched 'friend'.
"Well, friends don't punch eachother,"
"I guess we're not friends then,"
"I guess your right." I spat at him.

Tom's p.o.v

I looked down at my lap while the two argued. I protectivly held my arm and Tord mustv't took note, because he took my other hand and dragged me into the bathroom. I already knew what he was going to ask, I sighed and rolled up my sleaves, showing three new bruises. I could feel Tord's worry floatimg around him. "Lift your shirt."
"Umm no..."
"Tom," he started, rubbling the gap between his eyes, "during the night of you bad dream you kept grasping you sides and moaned."
"T-That means nothing,"
"Well then you wouldn't have anyproblems lifting your shirt." I opened my mouth to protest, but Tord was right. I slowly lifted my shirt to show bruises all over.
"Tom-" I yanked my shirt down. I couldn't help it.... I started crying. I fell down onto my knees and felt hot tears run down my face. "-I'm sorry, I left you alone again."
"I-Its not your fault, you couldn't of known."
"I know.... I just hate seeing you like this." I felt my face grow hot, and their was a walm feeling in my chest. I like Tord, I stood up slowly and leaned on the sink, still crying slightly. Tord walked over to me and dragged me into a hug.
"I-I don't want to go back in there."
"Shushhh- It's ok, I'll be with you this time." I nodded as Tord led me into the bedroom.

Tords p.o.v

I took Tom by the hand and walked into the bedroom. That idiot has the nerve to come back, even after I told him not to. Then he calls Tom his friend, the guts on that guy-
"Hello Tom, Tord. Have fun in the bathroom."
"Yeah, I learnt alot more about you Jack."
"Did you now?"
"Yep I know about the buises on Toms chest."
"I threw a few puches, so what?" He stood up and puched Tom in the gut, the small male fell down in pain, tears falling from his eyes. Thats it!

I ran at Jack and takled him to the floor causing him to gasp. I punched him in the jaw, nose, gut, shoulder and eye. I was about to continue until I heard a soft mumble, only just loud enough for me to hear.....
"W-What?" I was shocked, this guy had beaten Tom for so many years, if anything he should want to throw a few punches himself.
"I-I said stop," his voice was rough and scachy, asumably from crying. I sighed in defeat.
"Ok, I'll stop,"
"T-Thank you, T-Tord." I got off of Jack, flipped him off, then went over to Tom, he was still on the floor, curled up in a fetus position. I wrapped my arms around him.
"Agh- Tord, w-what are you doing?"
"Showing you that I've stopped."
"I-Is he gone?" Tom whispered.
"Yeah, he's gone."
"Thank god," I then remembered we were still on the floor.
"Hay, maybe we should get up."
"Yeah, proberly, why time is it?" I checked my phone, the red backround blurred in my face.
"Almost half 12."
"Soooo- my head still hurts from last night,"
"Oh yeah- I got some tea from Edd," I ran over to the kitchen and started making this weird 'red bush' tea Edd had given me. Tom wondered in, and started looking through the meds box. He found a empty box of pain killers, "of course..." he muttered under his breath. I sighed and passed his the tea.
"No problem," I felt my face heating up. Then it hit me. I'm inlove with Tom-

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