Capter 10: Nightmares...

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Tom's p.o.v

Yawning, I walked to the
bathroom. Wow, I look a mess. I smiled at my appearance. I looked around for something to wear, but Tord must've done the washing so I desided to take off my hoodie, grab a pair of jogging bottems that I had in my draw and just go to sleep in that.

I walked into the bedroom and saw Tord already curled up in bed. The covers where only on his feet, leaving the rest of him exposed. He's hair was a some-what messy version of Matts, his flower crown was on the floor next to him, his shirt was creased and far too big for him and his shorts where a pinkish colour. Small snors left his mouth as he shifted slightly. Cute. This time I didn't fight the thoughts that came to mind, I just welcomed them. 'You can't keep running away from your problems.' Tord's voice rang in Tom's mind. Yeah, I'll never admit it to him but the damn commie is right...

Smiling, I snuck into the bed, careful not to wake Tord, I snuggled under the covers and used the body heat raidiating form the comunist next to him. My felt his vision blured and I eyelids grow heavy. The last thing I remember is feeling a large arm wrap its self around me, and a soft whisper, before everything whet black and I had let the darkness of the night take over. "Mine..."

Tord's p.o.v (short)

I was woken up by the sound of wimpering. I lazily opened my eyes, kinda expecting there to ve Paul standing in the corner, to tell me that the wimpering was coming from the 'Ripper,' the Red Army's torture specialist. But there was no Paul, no Ripper and no Red Army. Sighing, Tord went to go back to sleep, only to hear a loud yelp from under the covers.
"T-Tom?" I roll over to see the smaller male shaking and crying in his sleep once again.

Toms p.o.v (a/n this is baced of a real nightmare I had last time I slept....)

Once again I was in a dark room, however this time my eyes adjusted to the dark. I was in a bricked up room, the walls looked gray, the stone crubling away like they've been there for meny years. I looked forward and saw that where the wall was ment to be, metal bars stood, most of them had rusted and had dent, making it look like someone had tried to break out.

I wanted to move towards the bars, to see if I could get anymore information on where I was. However, as I stood up I felt something made me stumble slightly, a large iron chain rattled on the floor. Ny eyes followed the metal to see what it led to, the chain split in two and held cuffs around my ankles. Confused I tripped again, this time loosing my balance. I went to put my hands out to stop my face coliding with the cold, stone floor. Yet I couldn't as I fell I felt a violent tug on my arms, I honistly thought that it had ripped my shoulders out of my sockets. I dangled for a bit, before looking up to see what had pulled my arm so harshly.

I looked up, tears threating to fall. My wrists had been locked onto the wall by more iron cuffs. In a stupid attempt to free myself I tried to yank my wrist free. This only caused more pain and the tug on my skin had made my self inflicted cuts to rip open. I extreamly loud scream of pain jolted from my voice box. I felt hot tears run down my face, again and again and again creating salty rivers. Unable to wipe them away I just sat there in a crumpled mess. My arms still above my head.

I suddenly heard footsteps from the other side of the cell. A dark chuckle came from the pitch black abiss in front of me. "H-Hello?" I could hear how raspy and dry my voice sounded as I stutterd.
"Hello Tom."
"E-Edd, Oh thank god your here- Edd?" I looked up and focused on my friends face, it had an evil smurk.
"Oh, Tom, your almost not worth my time."
"W-what?" I was fearful, hell I was compleatly terrified!
"Look at you arm, pityful..." He motioned towards my ripped open arm. It was still bleeding from where my blade cuts had been.
"E-Edd, whats going on?" I was still stuttering.
"Im giving you what you deserve you filthy spaz! C'mon guys!" Edd yell towards the corner. Tord and Matt had appered beside green, smiling.
"Yes, thank god, time for revenge." Tord breathed a sigh of joy. Matt just stood there his eyes with some sort of need in them.
"Well, since I've known him the longest, I have had my life ruind the most, so I should go first!!" Matt exclamed.
"Valid point Matt, ok, you may go first."
"YAY." Matt had unlocked the door and had opened it, making a screaching noice as it scraped the floor. He walked over too me and kneeled down to my level. "You diserve this, you gutter RAT!" He yelled the last word and kicked me in the stomache. I sunk down causing the chains to dig in more to my wrists.
"M-Matt?" I choked out, coughing up blood.
"Oh shut up already, I'm tierd of your whining!" He kicked me once again, laughing like a phyco as a red stain covered my cloaths, from my mouth.
"Edd, he's still coughing and spluttering like an idiot, I think it's your turn. I've had my fun, for now." I shiverd at the last part.
"If you insist." Edd began to walk towards me, slowly, a very consintraited face coverd his usual smiling one, as he looked at me, helpless on the floor. Arms starting to ache, along with my stomache. Matt had took the easy option, with my arms up, my whole upper body was unprotected. A light appeard in his eyes. He must of finally of desided what to do with me...

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