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The next day

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The next day

It was the next and Marcos and I were meeting Reed at a bar we knew. Marcos and I were sitting in the corner of the bar at a table. Marcos got himself a beer I didn't want one.

Marcos was drinking his beer and looking at a picture of him and Lorna on his phone. I looked at the door when I heard someone come in. I saw a men walked in and looking around. Marcos rise his hand and flash it at him. The Reed walked over to our table. "Sit." I said. Reed sat down.

"Just so we get this out of the way if this is a setup, and cops are gonna be - coming through that door-." Marcos said and Reed shook his head. "It's not a setup. I'm alone. No one's coming." Reed said. "Good." Marcos said. "Cause things in here get real hot, real fast." I said with an amused smile. I nodded at the bartender and he turn invisible for a sec. "Tell me about Lorna." Marcos said. "She's in a detainment center." Reed said. I took another sip. "What detainment center?" I asked. "Until my fam-." Reed started but Marcos cut him off by grabbed his arm and using his other hand to kind of burn him. "What detainment center? Where?" Marcos asked. "The main detention facility in Garland."

"And the baby?" I asked. "All I know is, she's pregnant." Reed said looking at me. "Is it okay? Is it healthy? Please. It's my kid." Marcos pleaded. I looked at Reed and his face softened. "All I saw was the medical exam they gave her when they brought her in." Reed said looking at me then he turned to Marcos. "Those are all the questions I'm answering for now. Any other information is yours, but only if my family is safe." I nodded.

I took a pen out of my pocket "Bring everyone to this location" I told him as write down the location."How much is this gonna cost?" Reed asked. "we don't want your money." I said. "The deal is this: Your family goes tonight. You? You stay behind with me until I get Lorna back." Marcos told and we both up and walked out.

Mutant underground headquarters

Luke P.O.V

I was helping some Mutant around when I saw Blink walk to me

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I was helping some Mutant around when I saw Blink walk to me. "Something wrong?" I asked her when she got to me. "Ineed to talk to you. It's about Marcos and Sky." She told me and I chuckled a little. "Uh, listen Marcos is, uh he's an emotional guy. So, whatever he said, don't take it personal. And my sister she's also the nicest person ever it's not a goodtime for her right now." I told her. I know Sky is hurting cause of Lorna. Her and Lorna have been best friends since they found us.

She shook her head. "No, it's not about that. It's. She got a phone call from some guy. Something about helping a family and they ran off about an hour ago. Together." she told me. I raised an eyebrow. "What? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked.

"Because they told me not to, and they didn't want to get anyone else involved because it was dangerous. But then I was thinking about how I owe Marcos's girlfriend and she would pissed if he died." she said. I sighed. "Come on." I said went to find John. "John." I called out his name and he came out of his and Sky's room. "what's going on ?" he asked when he saw me and Blink

My sister and Marcos took off so now we need to go get them."I told him and he nodded. "Well where where are we going? We don't even know where they are." Blink asked/said as we walked to the door. "I found you." John said as walked off to find them. "Trust me, I can find them." I hope Sky ok so when we find her I could kill her myself.

(Ok a new chapter up and you know what that means I got a new charger for my iPod and I can update again. Comment and let me know what you think of it and one more thing. Did you guys like the interview with then that I did? And if so do you guys want me to do more? And did you guys like Luke P.O.V? Comment and let me know. Don't forget to vote. Until next time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ella_Hale )

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