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AN:  the video is the song I imagine Millie is playing :) 

Finn walked down the street, his feet slamming against the hard pavement. He texted his mother and lied that he had a school project to do at Caleb's so he would be home late. She bought his excuse, and he knew it was safe to continue his plan.

He pulled a crumpled sticky note out of his pocket for the hundredth time since Millie had walked away, glancing down at the writing scrawled on it that he had nearly memorized. 

When Millie so gracefully turned away from him, she dropped a note on the ground. He didn't realize it until she glanced back at him, nodding her head slightly toward the sidewalk. 

The only thing written on it was what Finn assumed to be an address, clear and dark against the peach paper.

Even her fucking stationary is cute, Finn thought to himself. He snapped out of it, looking back toward the road that lay in front of him. The GPS in his phone directed him down a lonely avenue, and then into a neighborhood full of large houses with perfectly manicured lawns. The destination was at almost the end of the street, a two-story farmhouse with white shingles and contrasting stone. "Seems about right," he mumbled to himself, shrugging and making his way up the path. 

There were no cars in the driveway and no sign of life inside other than a single light that Finn could see on in a second-floor window. He ran a hand through his hair again, feeling butterflies build up in his stomach. At that moment, all he really wanted to do was reach inside and punch those butterflies. 

Finn approached the door, lifting an arm to knock on the door. Before his hand reached the wood, the door flung open, making Finn stumble forwards a bit. He fixed his posture, looking at the person who had welcomed him in. Noah stood in front of him, tapping his foot expectantly. 

"Good, you got the note," he said, turning around and walking further into the house. Finn took this as a sign to follow him, so he quickly stepped into the structure and caught up to the shorter boy. From up the stairs, Finn could hear the sounds of music being played. It wasn't what you would hear on a stereo, though, it was almost like someone was doing a private live performance in the house just for them.

Noah began to make his way up the staircase, Finn close behind. The music became more intense, beginning to put him into what felt like a trance. Finn stopped short when Noah had paused in front of a door where the music seemed to be coming from. 

Finn's POV

Noah waited for the music to stop before knocking on the door. Gaten appeared behind it this time, allowing us to step inside. Millie sat in a corner of the room, a large instrument sitting atop her frail body.  The rest of the room was clean and tidy, with bright white walls and sheet music plastered to all available surfaces. I cleared my throat, breaking the silence. 

"So, uh, why exactly am I here?" I asked. Millie stood up, setting the cello down on its side.  She had already changed, now wearing a pair of close-fitting leggings and a cropped tee shirt, something I had never imagined seeing her in. 

If we're being honest here, it was fucking hot.

Millie waltzed over to me, grabbing my hand and pulling me into a chair. "You want to learn how to be happy," she stated. I nodded, my breathing still shaky after the previous contact. She mimicked my action, standing with her arms crossed in front of her chest. "Well, here's your first lesson," 

She sat back down in her original chair, pulling the instrument up. Noah and Gaten each had a small smile on their faces, leaning against the small bed that seemed very out of place in a room so overtaken with music. I watched as she lifted the bow, placing it on the strings.

 She struck the first note, leaving it ringing through my body. Her face melted as she played, the instrument beginning to overflow her mind. The moment was incredibly emotional, almost sacred. It was like being let in on a secret that no one else knew. The way she played was sweet and full of life, and before I knew it, tears had crept their way into my eyes. 

Millie was extraordinary. She let every note remain heard, even while changing the phrase. The sound resonating from the instrument was poetic, the music writing a novel as it arrived. 

I hadn't realized she was finished till at least three minutes of complete silence when I finally opened my eyes again. She smiled, carefully placing the cello back into its case. Once positive that it was completely safe, Millie turned back to face me.

"Lesson number one," She uttered, her voice reserved. "Passion,"

authors note:

not really proud of this chapter or the previous ones, but thank you for reading regardless :)

don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT FEEDBACK!

love you loads <3


{3/3/2018: revisions made, ignore the update please!}

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