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Millie wandered out of the guidance counselor's office with her cello rolling behind her and a late pass in her fist.

She had finished her early applications for several colleges and was silently praying that she would get at least one of them. If not, her life plan would be shifted and she would have to find another set of schools that met her standards.

The universities she had applied to were all music and arts-oriented, so she could ensure she had the best education possible for the cost.

Speaking of costs, college was a lot more expensive than Millie had ever realized, even for her. She had aligned various scholarships and had written essays for hours to gain some more financial support. Working as a member of an orchestra provided more than enough coverage for the basics (housing, food, clothing, etc.) but was not as luxurious when it came to much higher expenses, such as schooling.

The girl sighed as she pushed open the door to the orchestra room, bringing her cello into a separate closet, where she placed it inside and locked the door. The orchestra director for the school gave her free range to the smaller areas to store her instruments. They were always more expensive than the average student's, so she was the only person with a key in.

She glanced at the clock on the wall and tapped her foot impatiently. Ten more minutes of the current period, then Forty-five minutes of her seventh-period class, chemistry, and after that she would be home free.

That was Fifty-five minutes that she really didn't want to sit through.

Millie slid her phone out of her pocket and quickly shot a certain boy a text. "Skip last period with me?" She rolled her eyes at the almost immediate response Finn gave her, "No, because you need to not get held back and I need to graduate."

Although she was frustrated, his concern about her grades made the corners of her lips tug into a smile. Her phone buzzed in her hand, pulling her out of her head.

"Lake after school?"

She smiled wider and locked her phone because he already knew what her response would be.


"The lake" had become one of Millie and Finn's favorite places to go together since they had stumbled upon it once on a midnight bike ride. It was secluded and quiet, perfect for afternoon walks when they wanted time alone together.

The couple was tangled up in a bundle of blankets Finn had grabbed from his house before they left giggling and saying things as if they were drunk. "Drunk in love, " Millie would say.

She frowned suddenly, twirling one of Finn's curls on her finger.

"What's wrong?"

Millie slapped on her fastest smile manageable and turned to face him. "Nothing," she said. "Everything is incredible."

Finn quirked an eyebrow, studying her delicate features. She hoped that he wouldn't push for an actual answer, because she really didn't want to ruin another moment with her anxiety and curiosity. Luckily, he shrugged and laid back down before switching the subject.

"Why were you so cold to me when we first met?" He asked.

Millie thought about his question quietly, trying to remember her reasoning. As she thought, she watched the breeze blow strands of grass around them and ripple the murky water, interrupting the calmness of nature. The breeze had a sharp bite to it, nipping at her ears and nose without warning. She snuggled further into Finn's chest to keep more warmth between the two.

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