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Millie watched the wind lift her linen curtains, the white fabric standing out against the dark sky. The dance between the breeze and the covering continued until the wind would place it back down again. She shivered, pulling her cardigan closer to herself. Her endless attempts at sleep had all failed, her mind running around to no end. 

Finn and the boys had left several hours earlier, but she still felt their warm presence in the empty house. Millie's parents weren't very involved in her life, her father always working to provide for the small family, and her mother having left when she was only a baby. Millie wasn't necessarily a lonely person, but she wasn't very popular either.

A warm light arose from her nightstand, accompanied by a quiet buzz. She sighed, breaking her gaze with the night sky and lifting her phone. 

+x(xxx)-xxx-xxxx: You up? 

Millie blinked at the unfamiliar number, typing a response.

Mbsquared: who is this???

+x(xxx)-xxx-xxxx: oh sorry, its Finn, Gaten gave me your number

She quickly changed his contact name to something she would remember and continued the conversation.

dogsoft: ok, now that that's all cleared up and you're obviously awake, can we talk for a little? I can't sleep.

Mbsquared: uh yeah I guess, I can't sleep either.

dogsoft: see? already something we have in common

Millie giggled at her phone, moving over to sit underneath her covers. The window remained open, blowing in the cool summer air and ruffling the sheet music strewn across the floor. 
After about two hours of talking, the conversation began to run dry. She had asked him all of the basic questions she could think of, and Finn pitched in a few as well. Before the words trickled to a complete stop, Finn asked a final question. 

dogsoft: so uh would you maybe want to go to a party with me tomorrow night? nothing big, just a group of my brother's friends...

Millie stared at the phone screen, debating in her mind whether she should accept the request or not. He seemed like he had good intentions, Millie reasoned. But what if that's just a facade? She thought to herself. Millie rolled her eyes, hitting her forehead lightly. 

"Stop overthinking," she whispered into the empty bedroom. Hoping that she had made the right decision, Millie quickly typed her response and clicked send, followed by Finn's excited reaction. She felt her cheeks heat up and allowed her mouth to turn upwards. 

dogsoft: sick! well, I'll pick you up tomorrow, just gimme a time that's good for you. I gotta go to sleep now, night mills 

Mbsquared: g'night, wolfhard :)

The conversation between the two adolescents finally commenced at 3:06 the next morning, a Saturday. The moon hung low in the sky, anticipating the arrival of the sun in only a few hours. Millie cuddled up in her warm duvet, smiling as she fell asleep.


Finn's POV

I felt a small smile form on my lips as I walked up the familiar path. Just like the first night, the driveway was void of cars and the only light radiating from the house was in Millie's bedroom. We had agreed with me picking her up at 8:00 that night, but I was about ten minutes early because I didn't want to be late. 

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