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When Millie thought back to earlier that night while laying on her quilted bedsheets, she pushed her lips into a thin line. She had a great time, obviously, she always did with Finn. But she still felt the topic she had been thinking about eating at her.

She had brushed it off easily when he asked about it, mainly because she didn't want him to worry, but now she knew her lack of communication was back to kick her in the ass.

It was an unsettling feeling, the anxiety. It always started with a headache for her. One that hurt more than any other kind. A dull throb on the back of her skull, caused by her mind racing with too many thoughts, gradually moving across the nerves to her forehead. The pain would become sharp within an hour or two of having it, and then she would feel it fall away after taking two ibuprofen.

Then came the sinking in her stomach. She would feel empty no matter how much water or food she would consume. Soon, the void would be filled with what felt like several boulders, dropping further and further in her belly. They left her winded and without energy almost always, sucking the motivation straight from her bloodstream.

At this point, Millie could usually get it to stop. She would talk to talk to her father for a while or text her group chat with Noah and Gaten, sending random memes and positivity to one another. It would almost always dissipate before getting worse.

Tonight was not one of those nights.

Tonight, the boulders kept falling deeper and deeper and progressively grew larger.

She weakly picked up her phone and typed out a message to her friends, hoping that they could do something to help.

guys i have this horribwe feebing in my chest aand i need to talk to u guys really badly pls come over

omg wait what ily

We'll be at your house in like five minutes.

i lobe u goys thank u im in my room pleass hurry

Her eyes welled up with tears as she locked her phone and set it down next to her, cuddling up further in her blankets.


"Finn whatever your middle name is Wolfhard," Sadie shouted at the curly haired boy, chasing him around his living room. "Give me my damn phone!"

Finn chuckled and slid past her outstretched arms into the kitchen. He taunted her with the black object, sticking his tongue out. "Tell me what's going on between you and Caleb and I will," he bargained.

Sadie grunted and crossed her arms, much like a toddler that wasn't getting their way, before reaching her hand out to collect her cellphone. "Fine, but you have to give me the phone first."

The taller boy shook his head and mimicked her position, minus the arm out. "That's too easy, you'll take your phone and lock yourself in the guest room."

"No I wouldn't!" She protested with her arms now flailing. "Okay, whatever. That's beside the point. My phone is my property, so you have to give it to me or this is stealing."

"That isn't even how it works, Sads."

"So? If I called the cops, who are they gonna believe? Some burly dude that looks like he's been to hell and back three times, or a sweet, innocent girl like me?" She said while pouting her lips.

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