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Millie held onto Finn's hand tightly as he led her through the dark, crowded room. The house reeked of alcohol and sweat, two separately horrible things combining to create a disgustingly pungent scent. Finn noticed Millie outwardly cringe in disgust and pulled her through the crowd faster, heading towards the back porch. 

"Hey, Wolfhard Jr.!" A voice called out, clearly intoxicated. 

Finn instinctively pushed Millie behind him, prepared to fight anyone who attempted to hurt either of the two. He rolled his eyes as he saw the beer-drenched face of Caleb, relaxing a bit but still holding a protective stance over Millie. 

"What do you need, McLaughlin?" he huffed out in response, watching with a careful eye as the boy approached him slowly.

"Oh, ya know," Caleb spat, eyes glazed over. 

"No, I actually don't know." Finn replied, trying to match Caleb's expression. 

Caleb raised his eyebrows, leaning his mouth next to Finn's ear.

"I just want to know what every other person in this joint wants to know, Wolfie," 

"Which is?" Finn said, waving him on. Caleb lazily shrugged, breathing out. Finn pulled back as he smelled the illegal drug slip off of his tongue.

"Why you're hanging out with," Caleb paused, looking Millie up and down. "With that," he spat out, putting emphasis on the final 't.' Finn wiped the spit that landed on his cheek from his face slowly, uncrossing his arms in the process.

"Oh, you're gonna regret that you ever said that you bastard," he growled, lunging forwards.
Finn threw the first punch, hitting Caleb square in the jaw.

Caleb followed, pushing Finn away from him. But this did not keep him away. Finn had decided on his new prey and wasn't going to let anyone get in between him and his victim.

Millie watched from behind a tall boy, bewildered.

"Are they fighting about you?" the unfamiliar person asked Millie. She rolled her eyes, puffing air from her mouth and moving the hair away from in front of her eyes. She nodded stiffly, arms crossed, debating whether or not she should break the two idiots on the floor up.

"Gnarly," He responded, bobbing his head up and down with a large grin on his face.

"No, not gnarly," she said softly, deciding that if she didn't make them stop now, they wouldn't until the other was dead.

Millie pushed past the figure and grabbed onto Finn's shoulder. In one swift motion, she pulled the taller boy off of the one underneath him and kicked Caleb in the leg sharply. He grunted, hurriedly standing up and rushing toward the exit.

"Stay the fuck away from my girl!" Finn screamed at him, turning back to face Millie. She stood behind him, arms crossed. "Your girl?" She questioned, a smirk developing on her face. He rolled his eyes and snatched her hand, walking toward the back door once again. "You're annoying," he teased. She smiled slightly, following his lead.


They sat in the grass, Millie holding a cold drink on Finn's bruised cheek.

"Why did you do that?" She asked, studying his face. Millie watched as his eyes squinted slightly, showing that he was thinking about what to respond with. Finn's eyes relaxed, and he opened his mouth to respond.

"Because" he began, "if someone I thought was my friend, my family, can so easily disrespect my choices, are they really worth my time?"

Millie nodded once, setting the cup down on the lawn. When it was secure, she glanced up at the star-sprinkled sky.

The darkness was intoxicating and viewing it was more enjoyable than any alcoholic beverage Millie had ever tasted.

"Lesson number three," she whispered, her eyes still focused on the unfathomable beauty that sat above them.

"Your opinion above everyone else's,"


"How much time do you think we have left?" Finn asked, breaking the long period of silence. It wasn't an awkward quiet, just the two teenagers enjoying each other's presence.

Millie lifted her phone, checking the time. "Shit, its like half an hour past my curfew, we gotta go," She scrambled to collect her stuff, but Finn put an arm out to stop her.

"That's not what I meant," He said, a new softness invading his tone.

She raised an eyebrow, not understanding what he was trying to say.

"I mean, when do you think this is all going to end? This life just seems too good to be true,"

"Are you asking me when I think we're all gonna die, Wolfhard?"

He snorted, pushing himself up with his elbows.

"In a way, I guess I am," Finn explained, facing the girl who sat next to him on the soft lawn. She giggled, crossing her legs and drawing lazy circles against her thigh.

"I think that we're gonna die when the universe thinks it's our time, so in other words, I think life is only worth living the best way possible because when the universe takes it from you, you won't get any more chances,"

He nodded slowly, his eyes focused on the unfathomable beauty of the girl's words and being.

(see what I did there? bc like she thought the sky was gorgeous and he thought she was?? idk i thought it was cute, ok??? I don't understand relationships lmao)

authors note:

long time no update am I right??? haaaa im a failure at updating this story lmao whoops

i've just been really busy lately but thank you guys sooo much for 200 reads??? like what??? i don't deserve this???? also happy birthday to Finn bc if it weren't for him this story would've never existed!!!! (my birthday was yesterday so we're basically bday twins :))

ok i love you thank you for reading this !!!


{3/3/2018: revisions made, ignore this update! thank you!}

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