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The gardening tools fell onto Millie's countertop with a clatter. She jerked her head up from the cello score that she was notating, staring curiously at the curly-haired boy.

"Pick your gloves, peach." He gestured toward the pile of gardening gloves and she reached out to grab a pair of yellow ones.

She opened her mouth slightly as she slipped them on, but Finn cut her off before she could speak.

"No questions. Follow me!" He exclaimed, bouncing around the kitchen. Millie rolled her eyes and held onto his hands as he led her to the backyard.

The air was crisp and slightly cold, an unusual time for Finn to want to complete a gardening project, Millie thought. She eyed a large pot of soil with a small sapling jutting out of it. He definitely had something planned.

"Now you may ask questions." Finn said. He brushed a stray curl behind his ear with his gloved hand and stood expectantly, waiting for her questions.

"Why are we gardening in late September?" She began with a fairly simple question, giggling at the oddness of the circumstances.

His face broke into an even larger smile and he began to do jazz hands in the direction of the pot.

"We're planting a tree?" Her second question was also decently easy, she thought.

"Yes, and you don't get to know what kind until after we are finished planting it. You can guess, though."

She scoured her brain for the collection of tree names she kept locked in the back of her mind. She had been an odd kid, reading instead of interacting with others. Until she met Gaten and Noah, that is.

"Sycamore?" She offered, getting onto her knees and beginning to disrupt the dirt. Finn shook his head and handed her a shovel.

They had finished packing soil around the roots and Millie was still guessing the type of tree the pair had just planted.

"Maple, it has to be maple!" she yelled out, exasperated. She didn't know any more varieties and was getting frustrated. Finn chuckled to himself, finding her annoyed expression cute.

Everything about her was cute to him, really. From the way her eyes crinkled at the corners when she smiled, to the little dimples next to her lips.

Oh, God, her lips. He could kiss them all day. They were pink and soft and they tasted of that damn chapstick she always wore now that Finn had said he liked it.

She tried cherry one day after forgetting her purse, and it just wasn't the same. Was kissing her still incredible? Of course, but there was something missing when she wasn't peach. It was where her nickname came from, after all.

He shook himself out of his trance and focused back on his girlfriend's current state, pushing dirt back around the tree.


He still wasn't used to the term, even after nearly a  month of it being official. They hadn't needed to label anything to make their feelings any more real, though. They both knew what they felt since the day they laid eyes on each other and announcing it to the world wasn't their top priority- it was just one of the perks.

Their friends had been supportive, though. Sadie had nearly cried she was so proud of Finn for not messing this up for once.

He laughed under his breath , pulling himself up from the ground after the sapling was secure under the earth.

The couple stood next to each other, gloved hand in hand, admiring their work.

"We should be gardeners, " Millie uttered, breaking the comfortable silence that surrounded them.

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