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Finn ached. His legs, his arms, his hands, his mouth, his heart, it all ached. It ached for Millie's touch, her voice, her laugh, whatever it could reach. He longed for the sweet taste of peaches and the scent of nutmeg. His brain was filled with memories, ones he wished he could feel again. He wished he could feel something, anything, but he was numb. All he knew was that he ached.

He shoved a sweater in his suitcase angrily. She did this to you, Finn, he thought to himself, this is her fault. He lifted another shirt from the drawer but set it back down again after realizing where it was from. He slumped over further, the dull ache slowly morphing into a throbbing pain across his entire body.

"Burn it," a female voice exclaimed from behind his frail body.

Sadie stood against the wall, there to help guide Finn through his grief. He looked up at her warily. "You heard me, burn it," she repeated. He threw the shirt to the side, unable to bear the things that were connected to it.

"If you don't, I will," she rationed, picking it up from the carpet. He let out a long breath and grabbed the shirt from out of her hands.

"Where," he asked, although it released from his mouth as more of a statement. Sadie chuckled, pulling him off of the ground by his forearm.

"Good, the boy speaks," she began. "and I have an idea,"


Caleb watched through his window as Sadie pulled up in front of his house. He noticed Finn on the passenger side, slumped down in the seat and wearing a pair of old sweats. He smiled a little, realizing that the sweats were his own.
Sadie had texted Caleb earlier, informing him that Finn had to burn something and they needed his fire pit. The boy agreed, knowing what had happened between Millie and his former best friend. He closed the curtains in one swift motion and hurried to greet the pair at the door.


"Sadie, why the fuck are we at Caleb's?" Finn questioned harshly. Sadie put her hand up, telling him to calm down.

"Relax, it's not a trap to make you two become friends again, he just has a fire pit," she explained, "although, it would be pretty nice if you two were friends again,"

Finn rolled his eyes, unlatching the car door and lurching out onto the sidewalk. He carried the lump of fabric within a clenched fist and stood impatiently, waiting for Sadie to join him. The boy looked at the large house that loomed over the street. It wasn't unfamiliar to him, he had been there many times, but it carried a different kind of feelings with it now.

Finn was distracted from his thoughts again when Sadie looped her arm around his waist, guiding him toward the porch in front of them.

The navy door creaked on its hinges, opening slowly to reveal Caleb standing behind it. He smiled weakly, reaching his hand out in an inviting manor. Finn nodded at him, stepping into the older boys' house and glancing around. The interior hadn't changed since he had last been there, the same bright light streaming in through the windows.

"It's,'s nice to see you, Finn," Caleb uttered, standing behind Sadie. He spoke slowly and cautiously, almost as if he was talking to someone who spoke another language.

"I won't break, Caleb, you can say what you want," Finn replied. He stared at the far wall and nibbled at his bottom lip anxiously.

"Yeah, I know, um... Sorry,"

Finn glanced back at Caleb, jutting out a hand.
"Truce," he said sharply. Caleb looked at his outstretched hand, debating in his mind if this was a good idea. He shrugged, why not?

"Truce." Caleb confirmed, shaking his hand once and then setting it back down.
Sadie cleared her throat, peering at both boys with wild eyes.

"Ok, let's burn some shit!" she exclaimed, hopping toward to sliding door.


Finn threw the shirt into the fire and took in a breath of relief. Maybe this will help, he reasoned with himself, keeping an eye on the slow-burning object.

As he watched the pink fabric curl back from the flames in fear, Finn didn't feel any better than before. His body still yearned for Millie and her sweet kisses.

"Sadie, I'm done now," he spoke, breaking the cold silence that covered them like a block of hard ice. She nodded, releasing her hand from Caleb's, and helping Finn walk back to the car. Caleb trailed closely behind, poking his head through the car window when they situated themselves.

"Drive safe, see you later," he said, waving them off. Finn smiled, telling him to come with. Sadie gaped at him, a small smile appearing across her mouth.

"Wait, seriously?" Caleb asked, not believing that Finn had so easily accepted him back into his life.

"Mhmm," Finn replied, nodding his head, "I leave for California tomorrow, so, let's do some shit,"



short chapter today, sorry guys.
a lot of school stuff happening and i haven't been able to focus when writing so this is the best i can do :(

i might end up re-writing this so if you get an update for this chapter you might want to read it, thank you!

and i know you guys probably want fillie fluff, but don't worry, its coming back in a few chapters :)

ok that's all, thank you so much for reading!!
don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT FEEDBACK!
(feedback is super important btw so i can improve my writing and do more of what you guys want to read!!!)

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