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"Great," Gaten announced, breaking the silence, "So, it's settled, we'll teach you how to be happy,"

Finn grinned, "Awesome!" He stepped forwards to fist bump Gaten, which he almost did until Noah put a hand between them.

"Not so fast," he said, smiling slyly. Finn thought about all of the things that could be coming in the finishing of his sentence.

"You need to give each of us something in return," Noah concluded. Millie nodded in agreement.

Finn admired her short hair as it swayed when she bobbed her head. Her white sweater reflected her porcelain skin perfectly, making her look like some kind of angel.

"Hello? Whatever your name is? Are you listening?" Gaten asked, snapping in Finn's face.

"Finn," He said. The others looked at him in confusion, not understanding what he meant. "My name is Finn, Finn Wolfhard," He explained.

"Well, Wolfhard, we were just listing off what we wanted from you," Millie said, boredom seeping out of her words. "Noah wants you to go a week without making fun of someone, Gaten wants you to play Dungeons and Dragons with him," She repeated.

"And you, what do you want?" Finn questioned. Millie smirked again, making Finn feel both inferior and like he might melt. She began picking up her belongings, slinging a case onto her back, and beckoned for the boys to do the same. Before walking away, she strutted up to Finn and placed her mouth next to his ear. She was close enough that he could feel her warm breath on his neck and it made his heart beat six times faster.

"You'll see," She whispered into his ear, waiting a few seconds before pulling back. And with that, she effortlessly turned away, leaving nothing but the lingering scent of rosin. Something fell out of her hand, which Finn was oblivious of, as he was still staring at her small frame making its way down the street. Millie glanced towards him once more before following her friends again.

authors note:

just a filler chapter, sorry for its length. more plot advancements coming up!

thank you for reading !!!!!!!!

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{3/3/2018: revisions made, nothing important. ignore this update!}

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