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"Peach, you really don't have to come, she's just my aunt, you barely even know her," Finn insisted, pulling on Millie's fingers as they walked down the street. Millie groaned and rolled her eyes, stopping in her tracks.

"Finn Wolfhard, I swear to all things holy, we are already in Boston, I am going to the wedding,"

Finn raised his hands, showing mercy, and they continued walking. The breeze was warm but not uncomfortable, the sun hitting onto them at just the right angle to make it feel like summer.

"I don't even understand why you are so insistent on me not having to go. Would you rather if I stayed in the hotel?"

It was Finn's turn to stop them, this time, and he grabbed onto her shoulders as he spoke. "Millie Bobby Brown, I want you to go to this wedding. I want you to be by my side, and I want you to bust out some sick moves with me on the dance floor," He said confidently.

Millie glanced up at his eyes, noticing the way that they crinkle on the corners when he's focused and the slight darkness spread under his lower lashline. She brushed her hand over his cheek, the pads of her finger brushing over his under eyes, "You should really get more sleep, lovely." She motioned them forward again and then chuckled under her breath, "No more stops this time."

Finn nodded and gripped her hand tightly, leading them toward the small bridal shop at the corner of the street.

It was spring break, just before Easter, and the two teenagers had been invited to Finn's aunt's wedding. Well, Finn had been invited, but he insisted that Millie came along. She wasn't hard to convince, though, because Boston was one of her favorite places to be, and she could never turn down an opportunity to wear a pretty dress.

They were on their way to a fitting for the bridesmaids and the other female party guests, all of which were being treated with an ensemble of their choice. This was the part that Millie kept trying to turn down, saying over and over that she had her own dresses and that there wasn't any reason for her to be gifted something new.

"Nonsense," Finn had said, reasoning that his grandfather was rich, already on his way out, and looking for any way to redeem himself for his actions in the past. So, Millie agreed to- and was secretly giddy about- the fitting.

She sent Finn a reassuring smile as they approached the white doors, squeezing his hand and then stepping inside.


Almost immediately, the couple was ambushed by hugs and kisses from nearly Finn's entire family. They were a very touchy group, clearly.

"Look at you two! Such a lovely pair," his aunt Sherry exclaimed while pulling both in for a tight hug. Millie smiled politely as she felt her insides begin to do what she assumed was them squeezing together.

As much as she wanted to love Finn's family, they were honestly a bit more than what she had ever expected. Her own family was a bit stand-offish, never really engaging in more than just simple small talk. Deeper topics never came up in conversation, and no one was really bothered by it. There also weren't that many of them, her mother's side being completely non-existent in her life.

Finn's family, on the other hand, was almost the exact opposite. They would poke at Millie, trying to get reactions (and ultimately succeeding). Not only that, but there were also so. many. of them. She had started to lose count of how many aunts and uncles he had, and barely soaked in any of their names.

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