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"What if it didn't mean anything?" Finn asked Sadie, kicking his feet against the water. She rolled her eyes and assured him that it wasn't just a kiss.

"This girl obviously has feelings for you," she rationed. He sighed and threw a rock into the lake, watching the water as it rippled. Finn wasn't sure what the kiss yesterday meant. They had only acknowledged each other's existence for a little more than a month, but he had already developed such strong feelings for Millie. But what if she doesn't feel the same?

He ran a hand through his curls, pushing them off of his forehead.

"I need to hit something," he muttered. Sadie looked at him, eyebrows furrowed.

"N-no...No," she said, stronger the second time. She felt her stomach revolt at the idea of hurting someone, and even if Finn needed it, she wasn't going to let him ruin his relationship with Millie. He stood up, startled by Sadie's sudden change of tone. He dropped the remaining rocks into the water and shoved his fists into his pockets.

"Fine, we go to Laurser's instead," he informed Sadie, turning toward the cobbled path and making his way to the ice cream shoppe. She bit the inside of her cheek and hurried behind him.


Gaten and Noah groaned in unison, listening patiently to Millie gush about Finn.

"I bet that he didn't think anything of it," she murmured, staring at her ice cream cone and licking the side.

"You're joking, right?" Noah commented, crossing his arms.

"I mean, he hasn't even called me, that has to be bad," She huffed and slammed her cone into a dish, sliding it to Gaten. He eyed the dessert happily, shoveling a spoonful into his mouth.

"That means absolutely nothing," he explained through his stuffed cheeks.

"Exactly, which means that the kiss didn't mean anything," Millie exclaimed, slamming her palms against the metal table.

"That literally makes zero sense, how was that connected in any way," Noah laughed, not understanding how naive his best friend was being. "Like, he kisses  you, he calls you beautiful, he says your chapstick tastes good, looks at you like you're the light of his life-" Millie cut the smaller boy off, throwing her hands up.

"Fine, fine, you're right," she admitted. Millie sank lower into her seat, pushing strands of short hair behind her ears. She didn't know what to think. The two teens barely knew each other, and she had only agreed to help him because she thought he would be fun to mess with. But, despite her original hopes, Millie had become greatly attached.

"I still don't trust him," Gaten said in a hushed voice, trying to avoid a dramatic response from Millie as much as possible. "I feel like something bad is going to happen between you two," he expressed. Millie nodded and stole the dish back from Gaten again, disregarding his grabby hands and eating another scoop.

A small collection of bells above the door chimed, and the group turned their heads to face the noise.
"Fresh meat, Benny!" Noah called behind the counter, not paying attention to who had entered the doorway. A curly-haired boy and a girl with firey hair became visible from beside the booth, both dressed darkly.

"Finn, hey," Millie said, breathing hard and beginning to blush a deep red. He smiled at her, waving in greeting.

"How's it going, peaches?" Finn asked, walking slowly toward their table. He pulled out a chair and straddled it, carrying on the conversation with ease. Millie's cheeks faded into a darker magenta at the new nickname.

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