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Finn felt his heart skip a beat, trying to cling onto what Millie had said.

"Nu-uh," he said, his jaw nearly dropping to the ground.

She nodded eagerly, the fire in her eyes that he had always loved blazing higher than ever before. He sat up, propping his upper body weight onto his elbows.

"You're actually kidding me right now, peach." he argued, more serious now. Millie smiled wider, shaking her head in an impatient "no." She pulled herself off of the ground, prancing back into her brightly-lit house.

"We leave in two days." she called behind her, grinning proudly.


"I can't believe you're going to California for three months without us!" Noah exclaimed, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel.

The small boy and Gaten were in charge of driving Millie to the airport safely, where she would later meet up with Finn. The group had gotten together the previous day for a small farewell gathering, taking a day off from their jobs to mess around by the lake. Now, Finn and Millie were California bound, both indescribably excited for what awaited them under the bright lights and palm trees.

She stuck her hand out of the open window, chuckling as she felt the wind pass through her outstretched fingers.

"Make me fall in love with you, get rejected from the program of your dreams, then maybe I'd consider taking you guys."

Gaten snorted, looking at Millie with bright eyes. He sighed, smiling a little to himself.

"You and Finn are so cute." he stated, watching her cheeks redden at his words. She scoffed and pulled her arm back into the car, closing the window after her hand was settled against her lap comfortably.

"Thanks, Matarazzo, but we still aren't a thing," Millie said with ease, disregarding her burning cheeks. Noah and Gaten rolled their eyes in unison and then continued to pester her.

It had been so long since the last time the trio talked like this, just them, alone. Whenever they did, though, it was so simple. They could speak for hours and never get tired of one another, always finding new and exciting things with each conversation.

"I've missed you," she exhaled, placing her hand on Gaten's knee. He glanced at her, a grin appearing across his cheeks within a few seconds.


Noah, Gaten, and Millie continued driving for an hour longer, finally pulling up in front of the airport. Millie reached across the car to hug her best friends separately, inhaling deeply as she squeezed the boys' torsos.

"I'll see you in August, and on FaceTime, don't worry," she assured them, climbing out of the car. Gaten whined at this, stating that it "wasn't the same as late night nacho parties," which Noah quickly agreed with. Millie nodded understandably, knowing that she would miss calling them randomly to bring her a sandwich.

In the midst of their good-byes, Finn swept Millie into his arms from behind, pulling her focus away from the two other boys. She giggled, folding her arms behind his neck. He pecked her lips, then placed her back on the ground gently.

"No offense, Finn, but you're gonna see her every day for the next few months and we won't," Gaten began, letting Noah finish his sentence.

"So, like, back off for a minute," he said, smiling sweetly. Finn put his hands up in surrender, backing away to let the friends finish conversing.

"Back to nacho parties," Gaten explained, rubbing his palms together in excitement. Millie rolled her eyes, smiling at the two idiots that sat inside of the car.


Millie and Finn stood in the security line, bored out of their minds and hoping for a sudden surge in the pace taken by the inspectors. She stood in front of him, the height difference between them more noticeable. Finn rested his chin on her head and placed his hands on her shoulders, rocking her back and forth. She hummed against his touch, pulling his body along as the line lurched forwards.

"I still can't believe you managed this, peachy," he mumbled into her brown locks. She smiled shyly and even though Finn couldn't see her face from above, he knew that she looked stunning.


"Stop tickling me, Wolfhard!" Millie screeched. She was relieved that the plane was already filled with noise, making her sound indistinguishable next to the hustle and bustle of the other passengers.
Finn grinned at her, attacking her sides with his hands despite her commands.

"We're on a fucking airplane, you douche!"
He smiled wider and pulled his arms away. Millie breathed out loudly, pulling out a magazine and flipping the glossy page. "Be on your best behavior, young man,"

Finn rolled his eyes and spread out across his and millie's seat, legs weighing down her thighs.

"Okay, mom," he said, sarcasm seeping out of his words.  Millie scrunched up her nose, slapping his ankles off of her sweatpants.

"Ew, don't call me that," She whined. Finn laughed, ruffled her hair, and began easing her to sleep.

"We want as much of the day as possible when we get there, even though we're staying for awhile, so rest up now," he babbled. Millie admired his raven locks and hickory eyes, falling into Finn's trance for the hundredth time that day. "Night, peachy," he told her, grazing his lips against her knuckles.


Turbulence disturbed Millie's sleep, jolting her relaxed body alert. She glanced out of the corner of her eye at the boy next to her, his head rested against the unfolded food tray. Millie lifted her phone, wincing at the brightness of the screen. They had taken a 6:30 flight from North Carolina so they could arrive in California at around the same time three hours later, technically cancelling out the time taken to travel. It was 5:56, the Pacific time zone switch happening about thirty minutes prior. She watched where the airplane was on the map, the animation moving sluggishly down the pre-drawn line. They still had a ways to go before reaching their destination, and she groaned inwardly.

"Lesson number nine," Millie told the sleeping boy, her fingers combing through his messy curls. "Patience is key,"

authors note:

hey guys!! i know i mentioned in the last chapter that there were only a few chapters left, but I'm happy to say that i've figured out a much better plan that extends the story about seven to ten more chapters than i initially estimated!! i'm really excited to start writing those chapters out :)

thank you for reading!!

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i love you with all of my being,


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