(Heyo! So yeah, this gets sooooooooo bad soooooo quickly. Enjoy/comment! Until later...)
"What's so perfect?" Maxlar repeats and Lucifer smirks at Tenny.
"Nothing." Lucifer replies and Maxlar rolls his eyes.
"Jackass." He mutters and Malvo glares at him.
"Fuck off." Maxlar snaps and Tenny's eyes widen. She mouths something to herself and tries to smile at Maxlar. Maxlar returns her smile with a death glare and Tenny nods.
"Knew it." She whispers and Gabe looks at her weird.
"Knew what?"
"He's in a bad mood cause of... things... Yeah I can't say too much but that I was right about what he's in a bad mood about." Charlie frowns in confusion and Maxlar rolls his eyes sourly.
"So you know why he's in a bad mood?" Gabe asks and Tenny nods.
"Aw grumpy Maxxie." Lucifer snorts and Maxlar slams his hand on the table.
"How many times do I have to tell you people not to call me that?!" He screams and silence falls on the room.
"What?" Maxlar snaps as everyone focuses their gaze on them. Cas, Dean, and Sam suddenly reappear and freeze.
"What the hell happened while we were gone?" Dean asks and Maxlar glares at him while stomping off into another room.
"Maxlar pitched a fit, Tenny got stressed out, and that's about it." Malvo mutters and Tenny grins.
"Yeah..." She whispers and Sam looks over at her weird.
"Did you guys find anything?" Charlie asks and Cas drops a stack of papers on the table in the center of the room.
"Does it require blood?" Tenny asks in a strange accent. Dean frowns at her as Malvo snickers slightly.
"Hush Mal, you're on my side."
"I'm on my side." He replies, looking over. Tenny frowns before grinning evilly at him.
"What?" She crosses her arms over her chest and holds her head up higher.
"Yes, it does require blood." Sam replies calmly.
"Legit everything requires blood." Tenny mutters and Malvo suddenly glares at her.
"Don't do it, I swear, Tennessee." Malvo hisses and Tenny giggles madly before snapping. A dark blue Fedora appears on Malvo's head, who merely sighs angrily in response.
"Tennessee..." He mutters and everyone starts snickering.
"Aw but come on!"
"Proudly wear that hat!" Gabe shouts and Malvo takes it off, placing it on the table.
"You're so difficult." Tenny huffs and Malvo rolls his eyes.
"We all know Maxlar is the difficult one. Now, what'd you guys find?" Malvo asks, turning to Team Free Will.
"Spell to get Tenny back where she belongs." Tenny grins and everyone nods.
"Let's get to work."
The overly complicated spell was complete. The portal to Tenny's dimension was opening and she was saying her until later's...
"Take care, y'all. I can't guarantee everyone's safety over the next few chapters but hopefully someone will stay safe long enough." Everyone looks over at Tenny and she shrugs.
"I'm gonna apologize before leaving." She nods and Lucifer glares at her.
"Don't worry, your Bean'll be safe. I promise." Tenny smiles and Lucifer nods, unsure.
"Don't listen to her promises, she's a liar." Maxlar mutters and Tenny stomps on his foot.
"Ow, you little shit!"
"Asshole!" She shouts back and loses her self control and giggles.
"You're strange." Maxlar shakes his head and Tenny shrugs.
"Least I didn't steal a hat while drunk and then returned it." She smirks and Maxlar turns a crimson shade of red. Malvo snickers, biting his fist to keep from laughing. Lucifer cocks an eyebrow and Gabe laughs.
"What happened?" Lucifer asks.
"Nothing." Maxlar rushes and Lucifer nods.
"Sure." Lucifer drags it out and Maxlar glares at him.
"Bite me." He snaps and Lucifer puts his hands in the air defensively.
"What's his problem?"
"He's moody." Tenny replies casually and Maxlar rolls his eyes.
"Yeah sure, let's go with that." Dean nods and Tenny grins. Malvo clears his throat, still smiling as he, being the younger brother, thought that was hilarious.
"So, we gonna get this show on the road?" Tenny asks and everyone nods.
"Bye Ten." Brittney and Tenny hug because why not, teenage girls are like that. Gabe offers her chocolate for safe travels, Sam and Dean wish her luck, Cas gives a farewell nod, Charlie dramatically hugs her goodbye, and Lucifer waves her off.
"Well, try to be nice to us." Maxlar mutters while folding his arms over his chest and looking down at Tenny. Her face hardens sadly.
"You know I can't do that." She whispers and Maxlar sourly rolls his eyes.
"I'm sorry, Max." Tenny whispers again and Maxlar shakes his head.
"No you're not." Tenny sighs slightly and looks over at Malvo.
"Try to make it there on time." She whispers before stepping through the portal.
"Until later!" Tenny shouts over her shoulder at Maxlar sighs slightly.
"Make it on time to what?" Lucifer asks, looking over at Malvo. Malvo darkly glares at him, fists clenching.
"None of your business." He hisses, baby blue demon eyes flicking over.
"What's your problem?" Gabe asks as Lucifer slowly backs away with Brittney. Maxlar's face suddenly turns blank by his own means and he looks over at his brother. They nod before turning to face the others.
"Party time's over." Malvo mutters and everyone takes a step back. Maxlar grimaces before raising his hand and snapping.
(So... next chapter is the escalation. I got lazy and wanted to torture y'all before I leave Monday December 4. I won't be back until after my finals cause failing grades and finals are soon. So yeah, this is one of (??) the last updates before I leave for about 2 weeks. So yeah, hope you enjoyed and stuff! Closer to the end! Until later...)
Lucifer's Feelings Are Out Of Control
FanfictionCover by @Cobalt_Blu So in this something happens and Lucifer finds something, or someone, that will change his life forever. And how will this affect the natural order of things? Of good and evil? Will these turn of events prove that even the Lord...