I wince from the loud noise this early in the morning. I turn on my back and put my pillow over my ears. I feel a soft tap on my shoulder.
"Go away." I say in annoyance.
Another tap on my shoulder but harder.
I groan and say "Go to bed and if you touch me one more time whoever you are, I am really going to break you in your sleep."
"You are so a Dauntless born, you know that right?"
It was a rough but strong voice so I had a pretty good idea for who it is.
"I bet you love annoying me Luke, you know that right? Also what are you doing this early in the morning? GO TO SLEEP!!"
"Well hears the thing."
1) "I do love annoying you, that's why I'm the one who woke you up."
2) "You have to get up. I wouldn't be up either until someone named Alex, your friends boyfriend and your friend Ellie, WOKE ME UP! It's about 5 am right now and Nick said we all have to get changed for some traditional capture the flag. Now, get up and.." He takes out a whistle and blows and then says "GET UP!" Right next to my ear.
I immediately jolted from my bed and grabbed his neck. Very hard.. I was about to finish him off, sadly until Ellie grabs me by the wrist and pulls me from his neck and smacks Luke right on the head. "Would you two stop flirting around!" She screams in Luke's ear like a maniac. Yay! 😃
"Did you just call me CHOKING Luke, flirting?! Uh no honey." I said questingly.
Luke blushed bright red and smiled sheepishly.
1 awkward minute later..
We all stood their in silence till I broke it because I am totally awesome. "Dudes I gotta get dressed!"
They both leave quietly and I start putting on a new pair of the same clothes. Confusing right? After I got dressed, I put my hair back in a braid just to annoy Eric because I like annoying him.
I walk to the exit of the dorms and someone, I bet you know who it is, smacked me with the door across my FACE, on purpose! And boy you don't know what I'm about to do to him. I looked him straight in the eye glaring. I finally had a chance to actually hit him. I held up my hand and slapped him across the face. He stumbled backwards until snobby Jude "saved" him from falling.
She gave me a glare and came up to me, doing the deed to give me a punch on my cheek where I have been hit from the door. I held my cheek and walked away from everyone mouthing quietly to Luke saying "I will never....ever.. forgive you. How dare you?" I put my head down and headed down to the bathroom shaking my head to Ellie to stop following me.
I open the bathroom door and immediately went to wet some paper towels. This bruise will probably be here for a while.
I pressed the paper towel onto my cheek and it stung like a humungous wasp.. that had poisonous venom. I even felt a tear coming out of my eyes and I couldn't blink it away so I just let it fall, flowing down fast like my broken heart because I was right and I wish I wasn't.
I don't know what I'm even doing here. Im Divergent and I need payback. Im GOING to win this game no matter what.
I walk out of the bathroom with my face showing and I'm smiling humungously so everyone can see that I am brave and NO ONE can stop me from what I believe in. Not even Luke.
As I got to everyone I kept my eyes locked on Jude and Luke and gave them both a death glare. Jude looks furious and I see Ellie clutching her stomach and laughing like a maniac because of Jude's reaction.
IM gonna win this fight. NOT YOU! I pass everyone and I start running towards the train with Ellie right behind me. Wow, she's REALLY fast.. I jump and press the open button and enter the train.
I sit down because I'm to lazy to stay standing. I close my eyes and just relax, and I don't care if people look at me weirdly because I already know I'm weird. But you know what? I really don't care..
I feel a soft touch on my bruise and it stings so I immediately open my eyes to see the one and only, Luke. I smack his arm away from me and I see concern and hurt in his eyes but I'm probably dreaming about that.
"What do you want with me now? Im really sick of you doing this to me. Breaking me is all you do to me and I've seriously had enough of it. Now just please.. Go away.. I am really begging you." I say very weakly.
He starts speaking but thankfully, Ellie shows up. She is oh so the best friend ever!
"Hey Luke can you like.. go away? She really doesn't want to be bothered by you.. I can only bother her." She winked and waited for Luke to get up and leave.
Luke got up and looked at me one more time and left losing this time. With his adorably shoulders slumped
and his head down. Oh Scarlet! What am I thinking?! Im supposed to be mad at him! Not FALLING for him!
She sat next to me where Luke was sitting and puts her head on my shoulders making me smile because I should be the one doing that to her because I'm the one whose depressed. Oh she knows how to make me smile when I don't want to but I do anyway because its.. Ellie. My sister in heart.
"Alrighty guys! its time to pick our teams!" Nick yells out to us.
Eric chooses first and picks. "Luke."
Nick chooses. "Alex."
Eric chooses again, "Jude."
Nick chooses, "Hmm, how about.." He looks around the room until his eyes land on me. He smirks evilly. Oh no. What is he up to now? "I choose.. Scarlet."
Uh oh. This won't go well.. I have to get my game on. Im going against Luke... I narrow my eyes at him competitively.

Different in the Same Ways
AdventureA 16 year old girl named Scarlet and her best friend named Ellie go through an adventure being dauntless. Chaos erupts after everyone has found out there are many divergent around the loose and we do what any other divergent would do, run. This book...