I exit the dorms and brace myself to remember where the shooting room was when Nick took us on the tour. I make a careful right on the hallway and sigh in relief. Wow, it's really close to the dorms.
I enter the shooting arena, and walk to the table full of guns and whatnot. Hey that reminds me.. Hit me with a shotgun shotgun..! Now that songs gonna be stuck in my head for today.
I rub my chin and think about what gun to get. Well, theirs no point of thinking of which gun to get. They are all the same.. Literally their is only ONE gun to pick from because the others don't have bullets.. Yup..
You could probably tell I am not Erudite..
I pick up the gun and hold it securely. I don't think I want to shoot myself.
I walk up to the targets and aim. I squint my eyes making sure I at least hit the target. I was about to pull the trigger until I heard the door open. Startled, I turn my whole body and aim at the door and shoot.
Screams of agony is in my ears. I run up to the body and freeze. I just shot Luke. He breathes harder and harder every minute he sits there.
I immediately grab him by the shoulders and lift him up. "Sorry." I say panicking. I lift him up on his feet and he puts his arm around me to keep him from falling.
I carefully open the exit door of the arena and see Jude walking out of the bathroom.
"What did you do this time?" Jude says angry.
I laugh sarcastically and give up, "You know what Jude? Why don't you go take care of Luke. I even bet you wouldn't mind because of your nonstop jealousy.. I can see it in your eyes. Oh and you don't have to be jealous. You can have Luke and all the other guys you want except Alex. He is Ellie's and if you lay a hand on him or speak to him... I will break your body." I say tired of Jude. I walk over to her and take Luke's arm off around mine, and onto Jude's.
I turn away from the two, and walk away..
I head into the dorms and turn back around heading to the chasm. Ellie and Alex were talking, I don't want to ruin his chance.
I walk up to the end of the chasm and sit down, my feet hanging over the chasm. One move.. and I will be gone. I just stay there quietly and just think. What if I didn't choose Dauntless? Would I regret it? Yes. I belong here.
I just don't understand sometimes..
I stand up dizzy, because I haven't eaten for a long time I tip over. No Scarlet. Don't you dare. No No No No No!
I stumble a little forwards and slip towards the chasm. I quickly turn my body and grab on to the railing, almost falling to my death. I still might..
"Help!" I yelp, yet no one can probably hear me. This must be my destiny..
My hands start slipping..
Hahahahaahaaha!!! I know I'm evil. I LOVE writing cliff hangers. Just a warning.. Well ya sorry for a really really really short chapter! I have other stuff to deal with. But summers around the corner and I will have more one to complete this story! Bye.. 😬

Different in the Same Ways
AventuraA 16 year old girl named Scarlet and her best friend named Ellie go through an adventure being dauntless. Chaos erupts after everyone has found out there are many divergent around the loose and we do what any other divergent would do, run. This book...