After Eric finished calling his teams their was only one person left.
"Save the best for last." Nick said smiling softly. "Ellie."
She looks upset but I can tell she's trying to hide it. She thinks she the loser yet everyone knows she's the best. Even Nick said so.
I see Luke staring at me and I quickly look away and ignore him. I am NOT letting him get to me. I turn to look at Jude flirting with some guys and I glare at her without her seeing me.
Finally we made it to this abandoned place and I just stare at my feet following the others distantly but not to distant. I wonder where Alex and Ellie are..
I started thinking of stupid plans for the game but none of my strategies worked.
"Ellie." I hear Nick say.
I see Ellie walk up to him with a confused look on her face. Just as confused as we are. I noticed we were standing in front of a beautiful and bright colored tree. I knew where this was going to head. The tree looked really tall but I think I could climb it.
I may be small but I can jump really really REALLY high. I have sturdy hands to but it may not look like it.
Just to let you know, back at home I was addicted to climbing.. I've practiced all the time even though I wasn't supposed to. I had my own forest hide out back home.
I miss home..
"Climb this tree." He says in command.
Ellie raises her brow waiting for him to continue speaking. He obviously has to say the 'magic word' DUH!
I see Ellie leaning on one foot and looking around waiting for him to say it, and I giggle aloud on accident.
He sighs and finally says the 'magic word'
"Please?" He says beggingly.
She nods and goes up to the tree.
"Why can't I can't climb the tree?!" I say even though I already know the answer. 'I'm to small'.
Nick speaks again "Your too small and Ellie has rough hands for a good grip." He says in an obvious tone.
I snap back and say "Just because she has kinda rough hands doesn't mean anything."
Ellie stops on her tracks and she takes a look at her hands. I now feel guilty.
Gosh I can't ever get things right.
I always have to be the bad guy. I shake my head to get rid of my thoughts. I hear everyone laughing at me and I blush, my eyes filled with anger that no one believes me.
While Ellie's climbing the tree I look around elsewhere thinking that some people should be spying on the other team. Aren't I right? I shake the thought away because there isn't even a point. No one will listen to me anyways.
She plops off and suddenly lands on one of those visible thin roots. Woah.
I start hearing Nick speak so I just stay quiet and listen with Ellie right behind me. "Alright guys! Lets hear some ideas!" He says excitingly. I hear people rambling about ideas but I ignore everyone not even caring or listening just wanting a nap.
I ignore everyone and everything until I hear my name..
"Scar and I have a plan." I hear Ellie says.
I stare at her like she's insane. Suddenly I feel strong arms over my shoulders. Ellie.. She starts babbling about the plan and I am just thinking why she said 'we'. After she finished talking I asked, "Why did you say we had a plan? I wasn't even involved."
"Well I bet you were thinking the same thing I was." She said.
I nodded my head understandingly.
Let the games begin...
Hey guys! I hope you liked it!! Sorry TAYLOR if I messed anything up! Its kinda tricky matching story's but yea. 😄
Sorry for a short chapter to!

Different in the Same Ways
AventureA 16 year old girl named Scarlet and her best friend named Ellie go through an adventure being dauntless. Chaos erupts after everyone has found out there are many divergent around the loose and we do what any other divergent would do, run. This book...