Chapter 10: Cheater?

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I spent a whole week with Cameron, we didn't do very much. We watched movies, ate popcorn, went out to eat, toured the city, and went to the beach. I had a lot of fun, but now it was time to head to Magcon. I honestly can't wait to see Shawn and Matt. I haven't seen them in weeks, and I miss them.
I finish packing my things but cameron is no where to be found. I walk around his house and I find a note in the kitchen.

Dear Maddie,

Went out to pick up a few things, met you at the airport

Love, Cameron 💙

I set down the note and pour myself a bowl of cereal. It feels weird being alone in his big house. I still haven't met his family yet. I finish eating my cereal and clean up my mess. The plane to St.Louis is going to be a few hours so I dress into some sweat pants and one if Cameron's shirts.
I grab my bags and walk to the taxi Cameron already had waiting for me. I get in and 5sos plays through my headphones.

"Where did you go?" I ask Cameron as I take my seat next to him on the plane, he was already sitting down when I came.
"Does it matter?!" He shouts at me.
"What's wrong?" I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Can you just leave me alone?" He pushes my hand off of him and turns to look out the window.
"Excuse me." I choke out, tear start falling down my face. I get out of my seat and walk to the bathroom. The plane should be leaving soon, I might just stay in their the whole time, luckily I brought my phone. I try to hide my face but some people stare at me. I finally reach the bathroom and shut the door. I fall down on my feet, I can't stop sobbing.
What did I do? I hope he isn't mad, but I don't want to bother him. Maybe it's because we have been spending to much time together, I feel like everything is falling apart. I get out my phone and text shawn, he's the only one I can count on. I go though my contacts and find his name, I see Matt's name along the way so I add them into a group chat.

To: Mattchu Lee, Shawny
I'm so sorry I haven't talked to you guys in a long time. I miss you guys so much. I'm on the plane right now but cameron yelled at me and I'm in the bathroom crying.

I send the message. They soon replay

M: Maddie! Are you okay? I'm going to beat the shit out of him when you land.

S: Call me

M: Me too

I call both of them and we all oovoo, shawn is on a plane too but Matt is already at the hotel.
"Hey guys." I quietly say, I try to hide my face. I didn't put any make-up on plus I've been crying.
"Hey beautiful, don't worry about cameron he might just be having a bad day. What time do you land?" Matthew smiles.
"Around 4:30, I just can't wait for this to be over."
"Baby your so classic!" Shawn sings to me.
"You're too sweet." I laugh, we talk for a long time until someone knocks on the door. "Sorry guys I have to go, see you in 30 minutes Matt!" I blow them a kiss and turn off my phone. I leave the bathroom and take my seat next to sleeping cameron.
The 30 minutes went by fast, Cameron still was sleeping. I grabbed my purse and threw a pillow at cameron.
"What the fuck!" I hear him yell, by then I'm already off the plane.

"Thanks for picking me up Matt, it means so much." He puts my bags into the back of the taxi.
"Anything for you sweetie." We both get into the car. "What do you think I wrong with cam?"
"I really don't know, I thought we were doing really good." I smile "but then he left for a little bit and he came back all prissy." I began to tear up. Matt pulls me in for a big hug. He doesn't say anything the whole car ride, I fall asleep in his warm arms.

"Get up we need to talk." Cameron opens the taxi door and pulls me out.
"Hey, you don't lay your hands on her!" Matt pushes cameron, I fall to the ground. After the earth stops spinning, I regain my balance and throw myself at the fighting boys.
"Get off of each other!" I pull Matt away from cam and stand in front of him.
"DID YOU SLEEP WITH HIM?" Cameron yells at me.
"Why would you even-" Matt cuts me off,
"First of all, she's not the cheater here." Matt grabs my arm and we walk into the hotel. Cameron still is standing outside.
"What did you just say?" I ask Matt, did he just say cameron cheated on me?
"Nothing, it's to make him mad." He brushes off the topic.






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