Chapter 12: The 3 Guys

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I wake up, it's dark in the room. I feel around for Matt, but he's gone. My face feels sticky, I get up and watch the dried tears off.

"Maddie?" I soft voice comes from the door, I turn around.

"Shawn!" I leap into his arms, he lifts me into a big hug. "It took you so long to come."

"My plane was delayed but I'm here for you now." He sets me down and smiles.

"So what do you want to do?" I ask.

"Let's go site seeing, and then swimming!"

"Shawn, there isn't any beaches here." I laugh, "How about we go on the Arch?" I grab his hand and walk out the room. The elevator opens, Cameron and Carter get off.

Shawn takes my hand, "It's okay, let's have fun." We both get on and I start to cry again. "Shh beautiful, don't cry." He wipes away my tears.


"Are you scared of heights?" I ask Shawn as we look below us. The Arch sways in the wing so I grab onto Shawn for support.

"The people below us look like ants!" He laughs, we take a picture.

"Ew delete that!" I reach for his phone.

"No you look perfect." Shawn sets the photo as his lock-screen.

"You're such a dork." I laugh at him, Shawn admires the photo.

"Um excuse me?" Someone taps my shoulder. "Can I get a picture with you guys?" It's a fan, she's tall and blonde.

"Sure!" Shawn gets up and smiles for the Camera while I take the picture.

"I can't believe I just met Shawn Mendes!!" The girl jumps up and down, she looks like she's about 16.

Shawn and the girl talk for a while, I just look out the window.

"Hey." Shawn slides next to me, he puts his arm around me and lays his head on my back.

"You're so cute with your fans." I giggle.

"I love them, they are the reason I'm here with you right now." He brushes the hair away from my face. "Let's go back to the hotel."

"Sure, but let's just avoid-"

"Anything for you." Shawn holds my hand and we walk back to the hotel.


I wake up the next day, Matt is sleeping to my right and Shawn is sleeping to my left. I take my phone out and take a selfie. Matt looks so cute while he's sleeping, I poke him in the cheek. Now Shawn, he doesn't even have a shirt on. I run my fingers down his back. I'm going to have to see Cameron today, I think I should look really good maybe he might he jealous.

I get up, take a quick shower, and put on my clothes. I'm wearing a short, blue dress with a heart cropped out in the back. I curl my long hair and apply some make-up. I'm excited to meet some of my fans today, Cameron better not ruin it.

"Holy shit Maddie" Matt's eyes start at my feet and they look up the my face, I blush. Shawn just sits there in awe.

"I love you guys so much, you are both my only 2 best friends." I give them a hug and we walk to the convection.


I take some photos with my fans, they are really sweet.

"You look so good!"

"How's Cameron?"

"I love you!"

Are some of the things my fans tell me. Cameron's booth is across from mine, sometimes he stares at me. I sign a little girl's photo when 3 hot guys come up to me.

"Hey Maddie we are really big fans." I tall black haired one says.

"You are so beautiful."

"Can we get a picture?" The one with the hazel eyes asks."

"Sure." I twirl my hair. They wrap their arms around me, I kiss one of the boys on the cheek, and one grabs my butt. I like guys fans.

"Can we take some silly ones too?"

"Anything for you guys! What's your names?"

"I'm Adam." The one with the hazel eyes says.

"I'm jake but you can calm me your boyfriend." He kisses me on the cheek. And the last one says his name is David. We take a few more photos and they give me their numbers.

"Get some Maddie!" Johnson yells at me. I wave at him and smile. My eyes look around the room, everyone is talking to a fan.

"What the fuck was that?!" Cameron bangs his hand on the table.

"Woah there buddy, don't you have some things you need to 'take care of'" I fold my arms across my chest. "This isn't the time to talk." I spat at him.

"Just go Cam." Gilinsky stands between me and him. Cam throws some of my photos on the ground and walks angrily away. Jack and Jack help me pick them up.

"Thanks guys."

"What he did was a dick move."

Gilinsky says.

"He doesn't deserve a wonderful girl like you, you can do so much better." Johnson helps me up.

"You guys are really sweet but I don't know how I feel about him anymore.



But it had to be done. I needed Maddie to meet those boys some way.

Anyways, I'm writing this during school so it's not top quality.

I'll fix the errors when I get home and I'll try to update a good chapter today¿


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