Chapter 17: I NEED YOU

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Hi everyone! So I have some really big news, this book is officially coming to an end. It might end in this part or the next part. I've completely left the fandom so I have no inspiration :(. And thank you guys so much for 30k reads! Anyways, this chapter is going to be set in the future. (since Magcon broke up like 109382819 years ago) Hope you guys really enjoy the ending!

- a few years later -
"3 days... Are you ready?" Shawn's eyes twinkled from the sunlight. I continued walking down the almost empty road, thinking. Was I afraid to marry my best friend? Correction, he's not my best friend. It was rushed, I was confused and young when he proposed. That day was so messed up, I broke the heart of the man I should be with that day.

- 2 years ago -
"Mads lets go!" His soft voice drew me out of slumber. Cameron slowly caressed my cheek, "Ready for the best day of your life?" His white teeth shined. I'm not sure what Cameron had in store for me today, I just new we were going to have a really good date. Cameron has been very depressed lately, his family completely disowned him. I used the rest of my money to fly us out to Paris.
After Magcon broke up, I went off to college and Cameron moved in with Nash in Cali. I moved into an apartment by NYU and we started seeing different people. It seemed like Cameron and I lived across the world. We soon got back in touch when his mom went completely crazy. She started bringing different men home each night and wasted half of the money Cam got from meet and greets. Then it got worse, his sister passed away in a car accident. When I heard, I flew out to see him as fast as I could. Cameron's mom didn't take that so well, she sold the house and started doing hard shit. Meth is what got her caught though, 35 years in the slammer. But I protected him, I was so close to losing him. Cameron almost killed himself, his life turned to shit. I knew I needed to let him escape from reality for awhile so I sold my apartment, dropped out of school and we hopped on the fastest plane to Paris.
That's how I ended up sleeping in this trashy hotel with Cam. I hardly have any money left, my parents weren't too trilled I dropped out of school so I was cut off.
"Can we just stay like this forever?" I pull the covers over my head. "I'm glad you were there for me Mads..." Cameron silently cried, "I have no one but you." I kissed his tears and we laid there for forever.
-Later that Day-
The sun just started to set, Cam and I ate at burger joint. I was surprised they had burgers in Pairs. "Today was wonderful." We intertwine our hands. "It's not over just yet, how about we go to the most romantic place in the world?" Cameron smiled and dragged me along. "And where would that be?" "At the Effie Tower silly, and your hair looks gorgeous." Cameron pointed out my newly died hair, I was tired of my blonde. "Our hair matches now, I heard we look like siblings." Cameron teased, "Where did you heard that, you don't need even know anyone here but me." He pulled his iphone out his pocket. "Cameron fucking Dallas you're not suppose to have your phone." I snatch it away from him and slip it in my purse. On the plane I took Cam's phone, he needed to be away from it all. "What was my middle name again?" Cam smirked. "..... Fucking??" I almost choked. "Later tonight baby." He laughed. "No, I don't have sex with perverts." I gently shoved him. "Well, here we are, the top of the Effie Tower." "The stars never looked so close, it's like I can almost touch them.." I point upward.
"Still not as beautiful as you." Cameron kisses me. Soft, like I remembered, "Cut back on the cheese." I laughed at him. "Oh if you think this is cheesy, it's about to get worse." Cam let go of my hand and slowly got down on one knee. He pulled a small, black velvet box out of his pocket. "Maddie, you have changed my whole life. You make me a better person, you make me want to live, you're my BESTFRIEND and my soulmate." He opened the box and takes my hand, "Will you make me the happiest guy in the whole world and be my wife?" It was sudden, It felt wrong. "Um, I-I don't know.." My cheeks became hot, "I still have school and you life in Cali and I live in NY.." Cameron set the box on the ground, "We can make it work, I can move, I can do it for you, I want you, I NEED you." Cameron's eyebrows move closer together, he's worried. "I'm sorry I can't."

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