Stand By Me

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The phone rang. Once. Twice. Several more times. Veronica reached out to put it on silent, when she saw who it was.

"Morning sleepy head!" Sam chirped.

Veronica would have been equally chipper in the mornings too. But that was before. Funny how she constantly made that contrast. How she acted towards specific situations before and after.

"We're going to Disneyland today. Today's cheer up Ronnie day," Sam continued.

"What?" Veronica asked, rubbing her eyes. She was still groggy, and Ralston continued to be dead asleep.

"Get up! You love Disneyland and we haven't been there in ages!"

She wanted to say no, though she believed Disneyland provided a nostalgic factor that was obligatory for her right now. She found immense enjoyment out of every trip she took there with her family when she was younger. "Okay, okay.  That does sound like fun."

"Yes! I was worried it might take a little more time convince you!" Sam said. "Get ready. We'll pick you and Ralston up in an hour."

"We?" Veronica asked.

"We... the usual gang. You, Malcolm, Melanie, Adrian..."

"Did you guys plan this shit before asking me? What if I'd said no?"

"Pfft. I would've persuaded you eventually. You love Disneyland. Don't lie."

She was right to assume that. Veronica loved Disneyland. She loved Disney in general. Damn Sam for using one of her weaknesses against her.

"Okay, yeah, you're right," she said. "I'll see you soon."

"See you! Remember not to wear anything white."

Veronica groaned. "That happened one time! I never get that soaked on Splash Mountain!"

"And I'll never let you forget it," Sam teased.

Once they said goodbye to one another and hung up, Veronica rolled over to face Ralston, who was flat on his stomach, his head turned so he was facing the nightstand.

She nudged him, calling his name numerous times.

He groaned and turned to look at her with puffy, sleepy eyes. "What is it?"

"Wake up."

"I'm already awake," he huffed.

"We're going to Disneyland," she said, sitting up straight to push away the covers.

He frowned. "Today?"

"Yes, today. Sam called a few minutes ago. She'll be here in an hour."

"Where was I when this was decided?"

"A few minutes ago, I just told you that. "She pressed her feet on floor and rose, sauntering into the master bathroom. As she reached the doorway, she turned to refocus her eyes on Ralston. "If we use the shower at the same time, we can get ready faster."

He didn't look particularly enthused by the suggestion, though he got up anyway. "If I pass out in the shower, it's your fault."

He didn't pass out and they readied themselves with just enough time to have a quick breakfast.


She still held an insurmountable amount of love for Disneyland. Sadly, her enjoyment was quickly minimized by the massive crowd. And the stupid lineups. She didn't have the patience  for them.

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