It's My Life

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Amongst the dark, her screen lightening up caused a sudden brightness. Veronica stared at her phone reluctantly for a moment before picking it up from the table to see the message that was sent to her.

Predictably, it was from Ralston, asking where she was. It hadn't been more than about ten minutes that she'd been sitting the quiet. Though she couldn't be angry with him. This was her birthday; her lack of presence would unquestionably be suspicious.

She bit the nail of her thumb, debating if she should respond. It only took her a few decide a reply was needed. If she left it unanswered, he would only continue to worry.

She typed I'm in the guesthouse before setting her phone back on the able.

It wasn't more than a couple of minutes later that he stepped inside and approached the couch to sit down beside her.

For a moment, he said nothing. They sat in that silence, which for some reason Veronica found more comforting than awkward.

"I could tell them all to leave, you know," he suggested.

"You don't have to do that," she assured him. "I should go back anyway. I just needed some time to recharge but I'm okay now."

Even with no lighting, she could see the skepticism on his face.

"Mel is being stupid and I... I can't look at her without wanting to punch her in the face. You need to keep me away from her," she said.

"What did she do?" he asked.

"She told me she got a call back for that new Frank Cornell movie. I don't even remember her telling me she auditioned or was interested. It took me off guard."

"And you're angry with her because... he's an old pervert?"

"I don't think it's only that," she replied. "I keep wondering if I'd be the same way. Taking whatever roles I think seem great regardless of what kind of monsters are attached. I'm pissed off but I don't know if I'm any better than her."

"We all make stupid mistakes," he said. "It doesn't make us bad people."

"But it does." There hadn't been any concrete evidence if Daniel's disreputable behaviour, only mild speculation, as with many powerful men in power. But assuming there had been strong rumours at some point, would Veronica have chosen to work with him, dismissing those allegations? She sometimes thought about it, but would never know.

"What you might have done before doesn't matter. You wouldn't do it now, would you?" Ralston asked. "And you said yourself you wanted to be an advocate."

"I haven't done anything yet," Veronica reminded him. Her words were meaningless unless they came to fruition.

"Then do it," he said. "You're not a bad person. You need to stop beating up on yourself."

"Yeah, I've been doing that a lot lately, huh?" That was now her defining trait, hating herself for one reason or another.

"Put all that Mel stuff aside for now," he said. "You shouldn't be pissed off on your birthday. Wait until midnight. It won't be your birthday then."

She smiled. He was right. This was supposed to be an attempt to cheer her up and distract her from the downsides of her life. How was she supposed to do that if she stayed in the guesthouse alone the entire night? That was no way to celebrate.

"Okay, but... I think I'm gonna stay here for a little bit longer," she said.

"All right. Want me to leave you alone?"

She thought it over. "No, stay," she replied.

He smiled at her and leaned slightly further back in his seat. Veronica pushed herself against his shoulder and closed her eyes. Just for a few minutes. That was all she needed and she would go back into the crowd and the loudness.

She felt Ralston wrap an arm around her, giving her that security she relished.

"Let's just blow everyone else off and stay here," she heard him say.

She opened her eyes and looked up at him. "What a great idea," she joked. "Who's gonna babysit everyone if we're in here, huh? We can't leave them unsupervised. Sallie's gonna drink all our expensive scotch."

"She drinks scotch?"

"Oh, yeah, she's hardcore. She can drink you under the table."

"I doubt it," he said, frowning as if he was skeptical. 

"Wanna bet on it?" she asked, raising her eyebrows.

"I don't think so."

"Wimp," she spat, then settled her head against his shoulder again, shutting her eyes momentarily.

They both embraced the stillness. She wished she really could blow everyone off and stay here. But this was her party. These people - her friends - they were all here for her.

She needed to find a way to talk Mel out if the role. She couldn't watch someone she cares about making a stupid decision. Maybe it was dumb of her to begin the questioning, but Veronica didn't know if this choice was something she could look past.

Did that mean she and Mel shouldn't be friends any longer?

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