A Well Respected Man

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He was doing his best not to be bothered by it. But he couldn't stand for the verbal abuse. Veronica was wholly unaware and she continued to be. She hadn't utilized her social media platforms lately, shutting her away from their merciless cruelty.

Taking the civil approach was the wisest solution. One of the reasons why Ralston wasn't overly active himself was because a plethora of idiots roamed the internet. It was easy to hurl insults when the conversations didn't involve faces. It was a mechanism, hiding behind a computer or a phone. They weren't vulnerable.

Sometimes even when their identities were known, the online world made it easier for people to go unpunished for their bullying.

Throughout the entire return home, he was frowning down at his screen and texting furiously.

"Who do you keep texting?" Veronica asked.

"No one," he replied, defensively, obscuring his screen by lowering it. He didn't want her to see.

"Are you talking to your mistress?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, you caught me. It's my mistress," Ralston responded, playing along with her joking and hoping it might cease the questioning.

"I knew it!" Sam exclaimed. "Ronnie, how can you stand for this?"

"He makes all the money," she teased. 

He didn't want to look. Sadly, he couldn't help it. Turning his phone over, he went back into his Twitter app, but tried to shield the screen.

Unfortunately, Veronica got a glimpse of it anyway. "You can just say you're on Twitter." 

He raised the phone closer to his face and went back into his account.

These were the Tweets directed at him:

Your wife is pathetic and so are you.

You probably wanted her to sleep with DanielSanders so you'd stop being stupid C listers.

Stop making bad movies.

You wish you had even half the career DanielSanders has. You'll never be as good as him.

He debated whether or not to ignore these comments. The argument to defend Veronica overflowed his mind. He responded to the ones who had been attacking her. He also replied to the people who'd insulted his films and his acting, asking, What does this have to do with anything? My movies are shit so that justifies Daniel lying about my wife?

Why were they all so quick to believe Daniel anyway? Why was everyone so gullible? Ralston had read those articles about the rumours and while at times it couldn't often be interpreted accurately in print, Daniel seemed like he was bragging. Yes, he was being stalked by a woman nearly half his age, and turned her down. He was so devoted to his family.

Ralston also caught a few responses Sallie had made. DanielSanders is such a dedicated storyteller he'll even make them up on Twitter!

You're a beady eyed liar.

Daniel actually replied to her, saying, This isn't a fabrication. Why would you think that? I was nothing but kind to you.

Daniel hadn't replied to any other messages to him, not from fans or from Ralston. He'd only responded to Sallie.

As far as Ralston could see, Sallie was also the only co-star who was vehemently defending Veronica. He'd seen some others make one or two remarks saying they never witnessed any such behaviour from Veronica, but nothing beyond that.

Because of this, many people were attacking Sallie too.

You're probably just mad cause you tried to fuck him and he turned you down.

I know Daniel and he's the sweetest man. Stop making things up.

To the first comment, Sallie responded with, Yes, this is the only reasonable explanation.

Ralston didn't know Sallie personally and had only met her a few times when he visited Veronica on set. She was definitely very opinionated and outspoken, and Ralston greatly appreciated those attributes, as well as her apparent loyalty.

He was texting even when he and Veronica arrived home. He didn't notice they were parked by their house until Malcolm pulled up into the driveway.

"Stop texting your mistress," Sam said.

Then he glanced up and realized it.

They said their goodbyes, then headed inside. The second the door of the front entrance closed, Veronica asked, "What's so important on Twitter right now that you've been on it nonstop for the past few hours?"

He vacillated, mulling over if he should be upfront with her. Ultimately, the omission would keep her oblivious, but didn't she deserve to know? "A lot of people on Twitter have been saying stuff about you."

"What, because of the things Daniel said about me?"


She seemed to be speculating what to say, then replied with, "Whatever, it doesn't matter."

"It doesn't bother you?"

"Of count it does," she replied. "But I spent weeks beating myself up, thinking it was my fault, but it wasn't. Those people are all going to think what they want because they're in love with Daniel's movies. They're just going to wonder why he'd lie and I'd have to tell everyone."

"No, you don't," he said.

"Yes, I do. I already made a statement on Twitter and that's enough. If they don't believe that, they're not going to believe it regardless of what else I say." She stopped for a second, staring at him. "You don't have to keep wasting your time either."

"I know," he replied. "But I can't keep reading these and do nothing about it." It was exhausting attempting to convince them, but he'd still die trying. None of these people knew Veronica. That they'd automatically think it was true was disconcerting to him.

"There's no point. They'll keep thinking what they want," she said. "Anyway, I think I'm gonna head to bed. I'm so tired. Are you coming?"

"In a second," he replied.

She headed up the stairs while Ralston headed into the living room to sit on the couch. Maybe a few more replies and then he'd sleep.

Instead, he was up until four in the morning arguing with people on Twitter. They were ruthless and relentless.

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