Smiling Faces Sometimes

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For the next few days, Veronica determinedly tried to avoid all exposure to social media. She wasn't tempted to reactivate her accounts; her concern lay in the potential spoiled perception the public had towards her husband. Was this how he'd felt when people had been criticizing her and calling her names?

She was also extremely nervous. There were countless chances for her to backpedal and delay confiding in her friends about her experience. But she concluded the sooner she said something, the easier it would get. After all, swallowing it down hadn't assisted in helping her move on, had it?

No one's actions could be controlled. So was it right for her to obsess over the possible reactions she'd get? She wasn't sure. Nevertheless, her muscles were tight with unease and anxiety.

Mel had invited both her and Alana over tonight. At first, Veronica was hesitant about going. She didn't want to go over to a friend's place and have them down discuss what happened at the Sci-Fi Convention.

"I should just stay home. I don't want to leave you alone," she said to Ralston. It was the quickest excuse she could manage.

"You go and have fun. I'll binge watch something and get drunk by myself," he said.

"I don't have to go. I don't really want to. I could ask them to come here instead?" Veronica suggested.

"No. It's okay. I'm a big boy. I can manage on my own."

"You're not gonna go blow up at people on Twitter, are you?" she asked, jokingly. Although she was sure he knew it wasn't just a joke.

"No. I promise I won't," he replied.

She didn't know how confident she felt about him controlling his curiosity, but she figured he'd be upset if she didn't go. She knew what he'd say if she was persistent. That she needed to go out. And see her friends. So she gave up without any further arguments.


Since she lived in a high rise condo, Mel had a spectacular view of the city. Veronica could have sat outside the entire night, in the quiet, and she'd be content. There was something so serene about it.

"Hey, girl, you planning on sitting out here all night?" Alana asked, sticking her head out of the sliding glass door.

Veronica looked over her shoulder. "It's a nice view."

"But don't you like us?" Alana asked, then pouted.

"Of course I like you!" Veronica smiled, stepping away from the railing. "Okay, I guess I'll come inside," she said. She turned around  and headed back into the condo.

Alana shut the door once they were both inside. "Good. Let's have some drinks," she said.

Mel had already laid the selections out on the kitchen counter. "What's your poison?"

"I guess I'll have a rum and coke," Veronica replied.

"That sounds like a good choice," Alana commented. "I'll have that too."

Mel quickly filled up two glasses with ice before pouring two shots of rum in each and filling the rest with coke. She slid one over to Veronica and the other to Alana.

"What happened to your usual whiskey sour?" Mel questioned.

"I, uh, I just... thought I might switch it up." She hadn't had a whiskey sour since that night. The night of the wrap party. Glancing down, she let her brain relay the exchange and surprise she felt when she found Daniel knew what her favourite drink was.

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