f o u r

309 22 24

f o u r

"You're sure you don't want to stay the night?" Mom asked as I announced that I was going to head home. I had been with my family all afternoon, and although I had a nice time, it was nearly seven and I wanted to sleep in my own bed.

"I'd make breakfast in the morning," Dad chipped in and although he drove a hard bargain, I slowly starting to shake my head.

"I should get going, there was a couple things I needed to get done tonight, and I have some errands to run in the morning. I'll see you guys in two days... Thanksgiving, remember?"

"Okay, sweetie... you're welcome to stay the night tomorrow night," Dad told me, and I could tell he had appreciated me being home. I sent him a smile and started to nod my head.

"I'll think about it," I promised and my parents seemed pleased. "Well, I'll get going." I made my way around to everyone, hugging them and giving them a kiss on the cheek. "I'm glad you'll be around," I told Walt with a smile and he smiled as well. "I'll see you all soon, okay?"

"Drive safe!" Walt yelled after me, over my parents goodbyes. I waved as I left the room and was out the front door within the next minute.

I rushed to my car after unlocking it, hoping I could race the cold. However, by the time I was in the car, I was shivering. I turned my car on and waited for the heat to reach a reasonable temperature before driving away from the house.

Halfway through my drive, my phone buzzed, but I tried not to let it spark my interest. I didn't need any distractions while driving. I waited to look at my phone until I was in my apartment, out of my car and out of the cold. I ran inside after making sure I had everything, and unlocked the door to my apartment quickly. I kicked my shoes off and turned right, walking to my room.

I laid down on my bed and pulled my phone out of my pocket. Finn hopped on the bed and I pulled him close to me, petting him as I opened my messages. I saw a name that hadn't left my mind all day, and I huffed; I wasn't sure what to expect.

6:54 pm
please don't be drunk because i think we should actually talk

7:08 pm
im not drunk... so talking might be a good idea

7:08 pm
i know i said i could only tell the truth when i was drunk, but that's a bunch of bullshit.

7:10 pm
so you're trying to say everything we talked about last night was a lie?

7:10 pm
no... not everything

7:10 pm
im just supposed to guess what you were honest about?

7:11 pm
most of what i said was true... some of them were a little dramatic, but mostly true, and a couple things were just the alcohol talking.

7:12 pm
i haven't found myself thinking about you lately. you don't pop into my head often, so i can't honestly say that i've missed you. that was a little much.

7:15 pm
i figured that might be the case and that's why i ended the conversation. i should have stopped the conversation when you told me you were drunk. im sorry i didn't do that earlier. i tried to suggest it at first, but...

7:15 pm
i was interested to know what you would say

7:16 pm
i understand

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