9:21 pm quinn you've had the audacity to be silent all day long, so if you're not getting ready for the best night out of your life, im going to scold you, holden fredericks
9:36 pm holden sorry, sweet pea, i was in the shower
9:36 pm quinn oh really?? you were in the shower allllll day long?
9:39 pm holden i was referring to the fifteen minutes that it took me to respond to your text, smartass
9:40 pm quinn :))))
9:40 pm quinn well?? are you getting ready or not?
9:42 pm holden i just told you i was taking a shower!
9:43 pm quinn well that doesn't tell me shit, "sweet pea"
9:43 pm quinn as a human being, i just enjoy taking showers for the thrill of it. i don't only find myself showering because i have to go out somewhere
9:45 pm holden quinn, i am getting ready.
9:45 pm quinn thank you. that's all you needed to say.
9:48 pm quinn so, where are you going? what time are you leaving?
9:51 pm holden okay MOM
9:51 pm holden im at my friend's house in the city, we're going to a club that's a couple blocks away. we're leaving in twenty minutes.
9:51 pm holden oh, im sorry i should be more specific: 19 minutes. we're planning to leave at 10 past 10 o'clock. is that what you needed to know?
9:52 pm quinn that's precisely what i needed to know :) thank you.
9:52 pm quinn you should send a picture so i can tell if you look stupid or not
9:52 pm quinn also, who is this "friend" ?
9:56 pm holden my friend, will. he was my neighbor when i lived in the city, he's a very nice boy who also believes i should get myself out there
9:56 pm holden you guys would get along very nicely
9:56 pm holden now - is this good enough for you?
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