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       It was a beautiful day in the multiverse. The birds were singing, the flowers were blooming, and all of the undead, genocidal children were burning in hell. Even the princess herself, Princess (Y/N), had decided to take a walk. She took her loyal steward, Sci with her along on her morning stroll.

      "What a lovely day it is, wouldn't you agree, Sci?" she asked him.

      "Indeed, princess," he agreed. They continued their walk until they stopped in front of a small cottage that was laying next to the road. The house belonged to Ink, and his younger brother, Dream. Inside the cottage, Ink was waking up to the smell of freshly made pancakes floating in through his bedroom door. He sat up, already knowing that Dream was making them breakfast. Upon entering the living room, they heard a knock at the door.

       Ink answered the door and greeted Princess (Y/N) and Sci with a warm smile.

       "Good morning your highness...and her highness' steward," he said. (Y/N) returned the smile.

       "Good morning, Ink. Sci and I are going on a walk through the kingdom, and we wanted to invite you to come along."

        "Hey, Dream!" Ink yelled back at his brother. Dream looked out the door that led into the kitchen.

        "Yes, Ink?" he shouted back.

        "The princess has invited us on a walk. I'm going to go, but do you want to come along?"

        "I would love to, but what should I do with these pancakes I just made?"

        "Just keep them in the microwave, but don't turn it on. It'll preserve the heat."

        "Alright - I'm coming."  Dream came running out of the kitchen, ready to leave. Ink let Dream out first and came out after him, closing the door behind him and locking it with a key. The two brothers followed after the princess and her steward. They walked down the road, making jokes and laughing at one another. Little did they know, they were being watched by someone who was in the next kingdom over.

         He was an evil skeleton who took the name of King Error. He ruled his kingdom with an iron fist. But on the sidelines, he enjoyed watching his love interest, Princess (Y/N). He was hell-bent on making her his queen, but when he had asked her to marry him, she rejected him. Now, he was trying to find a way for her to become his wife.

          But today, he had finally come up with the perfect plan to make (Y/N) his bride; he was going to kidnap her and force her into marriage.

          Surprisingly, Princess (Y/N) was already aware of this. She had been since she was very young. There was a prophecy that foretold the story of a beautiful princess who reigned over the kingdom with grace, mercy and justice. One day, the princess would be captured by an evil being and forced to marry him before the next Friday the 13th.

           Princess (Y/N) had dreaded this prophecy for most of her life, until one day, Sci had revealed a way to prevent the story from becoming true - she would have to find two brothers who were willing to help her in a time of desperation. Soon, she met them in real life - their names were Ink and Dream.

          Ink was brave and courageous. A confident, extroverted kind of guy who loved to help his friends. Dream was shy and timid. He was a coward, afraid of the supernatural and the unknown. He was not as cut out for the job as the savior of a princess, and he already knew from the beginning that his brother would get most of the praise. But he didn't care. He loved seeing him happy.

          Unfortunately for Princess (Y/N), King Error knew of the prophecy as well. Which meant he had plenty of time to plan out how to dodge Ink and Dream, both of them he didn't actually know. He decided he was going to take his friends with him - Horror, Dust, Fell, Blackberry and Killer - and he would send them to attack Ink and Dream. While they were distracted fighting them off, Error would take the princess and carry her off back to the kingdom on his airship.

           "Horror, Dust, Fell, Blackberry, Killer!" he called out. His friends rushed into the room, assembling a long, straight line in front of him like a tiny army.

           "Yes, sir?" they all chanted.

           "It's time to put the plan into action."

           "Sir, yes sir!" They all hopped out of the window and into the airship which was being flown by Error's own son, Paperjam. Error jumped on last. He was already decked out in a white tuxedo and a matching top hat, as if he were already at the wedding. Finally they took off and flew into (Y/N)'s kingdom. Paperjam flew the ship over towards the road, landing in front of Ink, Dream, Sci and (Y/N). Immediately when the ship hit the ground, all of the skeleton's hopped off and attacked Ink and Dream, except Error.

           Princess (Y/N) gasped. She stood in shock, frozen in fear at the sight of Error's goons trying to take down her friends. Sci was calling the captain of the guard back at the castle, telling him to send down one of his troops. Suddenly, she felt two boney hands wrap around her waist.

          "Hello, princess," Error whispered into her ear. Before she could escape, he picked her up and carried to the airship. She screamed and punched his back, trying to get someone's attention. Ink, who had just knocked out his half of the goons, noticed and ran towards the airship. 

           King Error was yelling at Paperjam to go back to the castle when Ink climbed on board.  Paperjam had lifted the ship off of the ground, and they were now floating above the entire kingdom. Ink grabbed his paintbrush and swung it at Error, who quickly dodged it. Error looked back, seeing another skeleton he had never met before trying to pick a fight with him. Error put Princess (Y/N) down next to Paperjam and started shooting strings at him, who avoided the just before they could shoot through him.

            He took his paintbrush and threw it at Error, who quickly lunged out of the way just in time. But this time, the paintbrush boomeranged back toward him once again, hitting him in the back and knocking him over. Error yelped in pain, putting a hand on his back and rubbing the spot where it hit him. 

             He looked back up, noticing the stranger was shouting to (Y/N) and not paying attention. Error decided to push him off the ship when he wasn't paying attention. He took the white top hat off his head and lobbed it at him. The princess yelled at him to look out, but he didn't have enough time to get out of the way and it hit him so hard that he got knocked off of the ship.

              King Error laughed maniacally, walking over to Princess (Y/N) and wrapping an arm around her. She struggled in his hold, trying to break free at the last second.

              "Heh...time for my wedding with (Y/N)," he stated, looking back at where the other skeleton was laying, unconscious. "Jealous?"

              Princess (Y/N) screamed for help one last time before Paperjam started steering them towards Error's castle.

          ~~~~ CHAPTER END

             WORD COUNT:1237 

Ink Sans  X Reader X Error Sans ((MARIO AU))Where stories live. Discover now