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(Y/N) and Paperjam sat in his room. She sat in a chair by the window, reading a thick book with a red, leathery cover and pages yellow with water stains. She had found it on a bookshelf in her room while looking for something to do. On the front, Sherlock Holmes was printed in gold writing. Paperjam was on the ground, playing with a few toy cars. Noticing the still silence, he looked up at (Y/N), noticing the book in her lap.

"What are you reading?" he asked, looking over her shoulder at the bold, black words. 

"It's a collection of mystery stories about a detective named Sherlock Holmes, who solves criminal cases with his roommate, Dr. Watson," she said. "The words used in the book are very old-fashioned, and it's hard to understand, but I'm getting the gist of what's going on."

Paperjam tilted his head, reading over a word on the page. "What does 'seduction' mean?"

(Y/N) nervously slammed the book shut. "Hehe...hey let's go see what your dad's friends are doing."

The two went into the hallway, noticing all of the decorations. 

"Wow," said Paperjam. "The castle hasn't looked like this since daddy had that conference with that one black, goopy guy with the blue eye and white smile."

(Y/N) cringed. "I...I don't even want to know what that's supposed to mean."

Suddenly, an explosion erupted from the kitchen. Black puffs of smoke floated to the ceiling, setting off the smoke alarms. They heard Dust hollering with excitement, making them giggle.

"I'm being forced to live here," said (Y/N), hiding her face in her hands. Paperjam looked at her with sad eyes.

"Mom (Hhhhhhh), why do you hate my dad?" he asked. 

"What? Hate is such a strong word..." 

She didn't really know what to say. She kinda did hate Error. That's when she realized she hadn't seen him anywhere. 

"Where is he anyway?" Paperjam shrugged his shoulders in response. 

"Let's go look for him!" he shouted, running off.

"Hey - Jammy, wait up!"


Error walked down the steps, Fresh by his side. He was grinning like an idiot, feeling proud that he had finally caught his new rivals. Looking down the hall, he immediately noticed the only cell that had been occupied by two figures.

One was one he had never seen before. He looked weaker than the other, and seemingly unable to fend for himself. 

But, the other was one he recognized immediately. He had dirt smears on his face and cuts dug deep into his bones. He seemed as if he had gotten no sleep at all, and that he had been doing nothing but fighting and walking for a while. This one, as described by (Y/N), was obviously Ink.

"Well, well, well," Error said, stopping in front of the cell. The two brothers looked up, seeing their nemesis in front of them. Ink frowned at him.

"You must be so proud. You actually made it here before the wedding! To bad I planned ahead of time."

"Shut it, glitchy," Ink snapped at him. "Where's (Y/N)? Is she okay?"

Error smirked. "Relax, she's fine. Let's talk about you."

Dream looked up, seeing Error and his brother talking back and forth. Normally, he's join in on the argument to prove that he wasn't weak, but Error was way to scary for him. He shuddered before looking back at the ground.

"What are you to her? I mean, are you just friends? Or maybe just a mere acquaintance?"

"We're close friends. Why is that important?"

"Uh - no reason."

"You're not going to get away with this."

"Watch me."

They stared each other down, scowling. Error smiled somewhat sadistically, staring deep into Ink's eyesockets. Dream sat in the corner, cringing. Fresh watched from behind Error, giving Ink a  thumbs up to show him he was doing good.

"Well, I wish I could stay and chat," said Error, "but, I have a wedding to prepare for. Expect to see me tonight, I'll have to dispose of you and your brother when everyone's sleeping."

He turned around and left, leaving Fresh, Ink and Dream alone by themselves.

"Yo - those were some rad acting skills if I do say so myself, bruh," said Fresh.

Ink chuckled. "Do you think he suspected anything?"

"Nah, you were good."

Dream stared at the ground with a fearful look on his face. "What did he mean by 'dispose of us'?"

"Calm down, Dream. He won't have the chance since Fresh is on our side. We'll be the ones disposing of him."

He seemed to be a bit less tense after hearing that, but he was still nervous.

"Fresh, how long do we have until the wedding?"

"'Bout six hours. Are you going to be okay with staying locked up for that long, dawg?"

"If it means we get to save (Y/N), then it's worth it."


I'm sorry for the short chapter, I'm trying to build a little bit of tension. I've had a really good idea, which may shock you? But, it may take a couple of chapters to get to it. It'll be worth it, I promise.


Ink Sans  X Reader X Error Sans ((MARIO AU))Where stories live. Discover now