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     (Y/N) and Paperjam danced around on the ballroom floor, finally back at home. Ink, Dream and Fresh watched from a distance, drinking their punch. Sci and Blue stood in the corner, chatting back and forth. 

     "Yo," said Fresh to Ink, "your son is totes adorable."

     "Thanks, Fresh. But, he's not my son," said Ink. He looked over at Dream and winked.

     "At least, not yet."

     Dream giggled like a little girl, winking back.

     "Huh?" said Fresh. Ink leaned close to him, showing a small box being concealed in his pocket. Fresh gasped, hugging him.

     "Well, what are you waiting for, loverboy?" said Dream. "Go get her!"

     Ink rolled his eyes, walking out onto the stage where the band was performing. He walked up to the microphone, hitting the side of his glass with a spoon. Everyone in the ballroom looked up and him and quieted down. 

     "Thank you," he started. "First, I wanted to give some personal thanks to a couple of friends for helping me save (Y/N)."

     He looked over at Sci. "Starting with Sci, the one who dragged me into this. If it weren't for him, I never would've agreed to this entire thing.

     "Next is Fresh. For those of you who don;t know, Fresh was King Error's hired hitman. He was ordered to kill me, and he spared my life"

     Fresh raised his glass to him, mouthing "cheers" before taking a swig of his punch. Ink then looked over at the last person.

     "And finally, I could never forget the one who stuck it out with me until the end. The one who was willing to stay up overnight, because he knew that it was what made. Dream, you're the greatest twin a guy could have."

     Dream blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. Ink smiled, reaching into the pocket with the ring. 

     "Before I dismiss everyone tonight, there's one last thing I need to do. Princess, will you come here please?"

     Paperjam looked up at his new mom, smiling and letting go of her hand. She walked up onto the stage with Ink, standing in front of him. 

     "You know," Ink said, "sometimes, I'm greatful that Error kidnapped (Y/N). Before him, I thought I had no chance with (Y/N) because she's a princess. She deserves a king. Well, if it weren't for Error, I would never have realized I'm not the absolute worst option."

     The crowd laughed, making Ink smile nervously. "Anyway, now that I know this, I've decided it's my turn. Error had his shot, now I'll give it a go."

     Ink turned to (Y/N) and got on one knee. He pulled out the ring box, popping it open. 

     "Princess (Y/N) (L/N)," Ink said. "Will you marry me?"

     "Oh, Ink," said (Y/N). "Yes!"

     Everyone cheered and clapped as Ink put the ring on her finger, then hugged her. Dream gave him a thumbs-up. Fresh hollered, and Sci and Blue both started crying. Paperjam started dancing and jumping around with Mr. Snuggles merrily. Ink turned off the microphone, turning to (Y/N).

     "I'm so glad, Ink," said (Y/N). "Finally, we'll never, ever have to see that awful, horrible, disgusting King Error ever ag-"

     She was abruptly interrupted by the sound of the doors leading into the ballroom being swung open. Everybody went silent, looking at the figure in the doorway. His clothes looked like that of a groom's, but they were torn and dirty. He had a sadistic, bloodthirsty look on his face. a crack in his skull was prominent on the right side of his head. The skeleton spoke in a familiar, distorted voice that had haunted their nightmares for weeks.

     "i'M BaCK, PriNCEss.~"



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