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     Sorry for the short hiatus. My depression has been taking over the past couple of days so that's always fun.

Enough with the chitchat, let's just get on with the chapter.

(Also I'm going to keep a counter for how many times Fresh says "rad". I'll call it my radometer.)


Fresh had been talking nonstop for the past three hours. At this point Dream was looking for a hole to jump in, as he was getting tired of his endless rambling. Ink was getting annoyed, but still pretended to be interested. He didn't want to hurt Fresh's feelings.

"...and that's why I'll never pet a bunny while eating a pie covered in dog residue again, yo. It was totes unrad."


The trio walked for miles. Dream's feet ached, every step feeling like a needle going through his heel. Ink's eye sockets drooped. Every couple of minutes, he would start to doze off. Luckily, his friend's would be there to keep him going. Finally, they noticed a tall, stone gate in the distance.

"I think that's the entrance to Error's kingdom!" exclaimed Dream. The pain in his foot suddenly left as he bolted for the gates. Before he could run in, a hand stopped him in his tracks. Dream looked up to see a guard looking down upon him a skeleton in a fuzzy hood. One of his pinpricks was red, while the other was red. He had a scar on his left cheekbone. In his other hand, he was holding a giant knife.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, slightly chuckling.

"Through the gate," stated Dream.

"Did I say you could go through my gate?"

"Uh...I'm sorry?"

The guard frowned. "You can't just walk through. This isn't a free-for-all, you know."

Dream put his hands on hips. "I'm sorry. May I go through your gate?"

"Depends. Why are you here?"

Dream thought. He couldn't tell him why he, Ink and Fresh were actually there. He probably already knew of the wedding, and telling him they were there to stop (Y/N) and Error from getting married probably wasn't the smartest move. That's when he got his idea.

"My friends and I are here for the wedding. We've been hired to decorate the king's castle for the wedding this evening. He wanted us there early so we could get started as soon as possible."

The guard looked over the horizon, noticing Ink and Fresh coming up over the hill. He eyed Dream suspiciously, making sure he wasn't lying. Dream could feel the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. The guard stared into his eyes, making him uncomfortable. He suddenly backed up, smiling.

"My mistake, sir. I'll let you and your friends through. Sorry for the inconvenience."

Dream smiled to himself. "Thank you. You have a good day."

"You too."

Dream walked into the kingdom, turning around and waiting for Ink and Fresh. Soon enough, they caught up, and the gang continued forward on their journey. They took the time to look at there surroundings. Despite having a terrible ruler, the land seemed very well taken care of. The citizens seemed very content with their living situation, since it was early in the morning, not many people were walking about, except for some elders and children that escaped their house to go out and and explore.

Ink noticed a young boy who seemed to be wandering about. He was well dressed, and seemed to be cared for properly. He had stars for eyes, and a white uniform that made him think of the captain of a navy ship. He skipped around merrily without a care in the world.

"I don't understand," said Ink. "This place isn't in ruins, though it's being run by Error. Why isn't everyone burning alive or starving to death?"

Fresh cringed to himself. Did these two think Error didn't care about his subjects? Yes, he was conceited, but he cared about the welfare of others. He wasn't evil beyond all reason.

"Totally. Everyone here is having a rad time, bruh," said Fresh, pretending to be oblivious.


Ink shrugged and kept walking ahead both of them. The sun peeked over the horizon, turning the skies orange. People started to walk into the streets. That was, until they noticed Ink and Dream. Mothers rushed their children back into their homes, closing the blinds and locking the doors.

"What's up with that?" Dream asked.

Fresh shrugged. "I dunno, broseph. They probs aren't too crunked about you guys coming."

"English, Fresh," said Ink.

"I mean, Error's gonna be spreading some hella unrad rumors about you. I'd wanna jack you up, too."


Dream shuddered. "So, Ink."

Ink looked at him.

"What's your battle plan for tonight?"

They stopped abruptly in their tracks. "I don't know...I haven't really thought of that. I guess it depends on when we get there. I could be corny and yell 'I object' like Shrek, or I could have common sense and run in there as soon as possible. My main problem is that I don't know if I'll actually be able to win. Who knows which one of us is stronger? For all I know, he could pimp smack me flat as a dime without trying.

"Maybe I could sneak up on him and attack him from behind. But I'm sure everyone watching will be shouting at him and warning him before I get the chance to do so. So I could make my presence known...I don't know, I'll think about it as we walk."

Out of no where, Fell jumped out at them.

"Hey, remember me?" he asked, crossing his arms.

"Oh, I couldn't forget you if I tried," said Ink.

"Quiet!" he yelled. "Anyway, I've brought an army with me this time!"

Suddenly, four other skeletons appeared out of no where.

"That's some army you've got there, b," said Fresh. "P rad."


"Shut it, Skittles," Fell said. "Where was I? Oh, yeah. I've brought an army! And this time, we'll kick your ass for sure!"

Dream covered his mouth. "Ugh, profanity!"

Fell and his friends charged at them, pulling out there weapons mid-run.


        WORD COUNT: 1045

Ink Sans  X Reader X Error Sans ((MARIO AU))Where stories live. Discover now