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     The sky was dark and lit up with stars by now. Ink and Dream wandered through the night with aching feet, looking for a place to stop and rest. Dream soon noticed a cave near by where the brothers could camp out. They set up their things against a big rock and started look for materials to survive the night. Ink went out looking for wood for a campfire, while Dream searched for something they could eat.

     Ink soon returned with enough wood to last them the night, but Dream had not returned with food, so Ink set out to find him. He went into the forest, calling out his name. But Dream was no where in sight. 

     "Dream! Where are you?" he shouted. Suddenly, he heard a muffled scream come from a couple feet away. Though Ink could barely see in the darkness, he followed the sound. Soon enough, he could see the bright light of a campfire in the distance. He ran towards it, hoping to find clues. 

     As he got closer, the sound of a horrifying, threatening voice became more audible. He pushed back a big leaf covering his view, finding the source of all the noise. Dream was tied up, laying against a big boulder. 


     Meanwhile, Princess (Y/N) had woken up in a cold sweat. Error had left with Horror earlier, leaving her to get ready to go to sleep. She reached for the glass of water that had been left for her, inspecting it for anything weird that they may have put in her drink. Seeing that it was safe, she took a sip, put the glass back on her nightstand and rolled over in her bed.

     She started thinking. What if Ink doesn't make it in time? Has something already happened to him? What if Error knows something I don't about him? Is Dream with him? She tossed back onto her other side. 

     No. Ink (and possibly Dream) is fine. There's no need for me to worry - he'll be here right on time to rescue me, just like in the stories I was told as a child. The hero always survives, right? 

     Suddenly, she heard the sound of a soft knock at her door. (Y/N) slid off of bed and brush the wrinkles out of her nightgown. The marble floor was cold against her bare feet. She slowly opened the door, finding Paperjam standing in front of her.

     "Paper jam?" She asked. "What are you doing up so late at night?"

     That's when she noticed the fresh tears rolling down his cheeks. He was holding a small, brown stuffed bunny with a big, blue bow around it's neck. 

     "I had a nightmare. Can I sleep with you for the night?" he asked in a low, whispery voice. "I would normally ask dad, but he wasn't in his room."

      (Y/N) looked down at him with a sympathetic look. "I don't see why not. Come on in and tell me what your dream was about."


     In front of him were two other skeletons, who had a creepy demeanor. One had black stuff poring out of it's eyes. The other looked like it was raised listening to MCR it's entire life. They were torturing Dream, seemingly trying to get answers out of him.

     "We're not going to ask you again," said the edgy one. "Where is your brother?"

      Ink gasped to himself and hid. He immediately knew what was going on. Error sent them to find him and get rid of him. The guy they had talked to earlier must have already gotten the word to him. 

      "I'm telling you, I don't know! We separated earlier to find materials so we could camp out and we haven't seen each other since then," Dream replied.

     The other two skeletons looked at each other. "He's not talking, Fell," said the one with the goopy eyes. "He's trying to cover up the truth with his stupid excuses."

     Ink decided it was time to step in. "I heard you two were looking for me."

     Fell and his friend turned toward him. 

     "Yeah, we were," started Fell. "We were sent out by our king to take care of you. We can't have you spoiling his and the princess's wedding, now can we?"

     "Actually, that's what I intend on doing. Now let my brother go and I'll leave the two of you alone."

     "Oh, you're a tough talker, now are you? That really takes some guts," said the goopy eyed one. "I think it's time we ripped them out."


     "I was walking through a mansion with Mr. Snuggles, my bunny. In most of my dreams, him and I like to go on adventures together, where we defeat bad guys and find buried treasure. But this dream was different. 

     "The inside of the mansion was dark and empty, like no one had lived there in years. After walking around for a while, we saw a scary vampire, and he bit Mr. Snuggles in the neck! And Mr. Snuggles became a vampire, too! I got so scared that I started running and crying. I thought I could make it out just in time, but Mr. Snuggles beat me to the door and he blocked my way!

     "His eyes turned red and started glowing, and he started growing fangs really quickly. And then, without warning, he ate me! I got so scared that I woke up screaming."

     (Y/N) leaned back, a bit horrified. That really was a creepy dream, especially for a young child to be having. 

      "Wow, that is scary, Paperjam. But you know what? The dream isn't actually real, so you don't have to worry a single bit about being eaten by Mr. Snuggles," she reassured him. 

     Paperjam wiped his eyes with his sleeves. "Really?"

     "Really. And even if you get scared, I'll protect you from anything that may cause you harm. I may not always be around, but you can always count on me."

     He looked at her with a confused expression. "What do you mean 'you may not always be around'?"

      "Well, tomorrow can go a lot of different ways. I may go home, or I might stay here. Either way, I don't really have a choice. But I can guarantee you, if you ever need me, I'll always be there for you."

     Paperjam smiled. He leaned in and gave her a big hug. "Thank you. I really hope you do stay, mom." 

     Oh no, she thought. He just called me mom again.

     (Y/N) remained smiling though, and she let him in under the sheets. "Good night, Jammy."

     "Goodnight, mom."

     *internal screaming*



Ink Sans  X Reader X Error Sans ((MARIO AU))Where stories live. Discover now