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     Ink woke up on the ground, laying next to his still unconscious brother. He looked over at Sci, who was talking with the captain of the royal guard. Ink sat up, noticing all the goons had left.

     "Oh, Ink!" shouted Sci, just noticing Ink was awake. "Glad to see you've awoken. I was just talking with Blue, the capatain of the guard. We're trying to find the princess."

     Ink remembered back to what had happened earlier that day. Being attacked, (Y/N) being taken by Error, fighting him on an airship in mid air, and then seeing nothing but black.

     "She was kidnapped by Error, the king of the next kingdom over," he replied. Sci's chill expression changed to one of worry.

     "Wha- no, no, no. You must be joking, you have to be."

     "I'd like to say I am."

     "Should I send my troops over into the neighboring kingdom, sir?" asked Blue. "This kind of stuff usually means war."

     "No - we dont want war," said Ink. "Dream and I will go after her when he wakes up. Besides, I have beef I need to settle with Error anyway."

     Upon hearing his name, Dream shot up, awake. 

     "What - did someone say my name?" he said.

     "Hey, sleepyhead," said Ink. "Come on over here."

      Dream got up and walked over to Sci, Blue and Ink. 

     "What's wrong, guys?"

     "Princess (Y/N) has been kidnapped," Blue explained. "Ink has offered to go rescue her."

     "What does that have to with me?"

     "I told them you were going to come with me," said Ink.

     "WHAT? Ink, have you gone insane? I would never survive."

     "Of course you would, Dream. I wouldn't be able to do this without you."

     Dream put his hand up to his chin, thinking.

     "Okay, I'll do it," he said. "But only because you're my brother." 

     Ink punched his fist in the air in excitement, then patted Dream on the back. Blue and Sci looked at each other, then back at the brothers.

     "Just be careful, guys," said Sci. "I've only met this 'Error' guy once, and he didn't seem like a very nice guy. Actually, I think this may be the guy from the prophecy. But that just means he's probably going to be trying to kill you. Blue, what's today?"

     "Thursday, October the 12th, sir," Blue replied. Sci gasped.

     "Dear god...tomorrow's Friday the 13th!"

     "So?" said Dream. "What does that have to do with anything?"

     "According to the prophecy, the two who go to save the princess have until sunset on Friday the 13th before the princess must marry the person who took her. In our case, that person is Error."

     "Whoa, whoa. Married?" said Ink.

     "Yes. Tragic, I know," replied Blue.

      Ink swayed back and forth a little.

     "I think I'm gonna hurl." Dream grabbed Ink's arm and steadied him so that he wouldn't fall backwards if he fainted. Ink took a second, but then got a hold of himself.

     "We have to go now, Dream. I'm not going to let Error get away with this," Ink said, grabbing his brother's arm and walking down the road.

      "Good luck, you two!" Sci shouted at them. "Try not to die!'


     Meanwhile at Error's castle, Princess (Y/N) was standing out on the balcony in her room. She was crying and looking out at the land surrounding the castle, spying on the village that was within the kingdom's walls. Suddenly, she heard a door shut behind her. 

     "Hello, sweetheart," said Error, who had just walked in. 

     "What do you want?" she asked, wiping a tear from her eye. 

     "I've come to ask about the wedding. I wanted to know what kinds of snacks you wanted at the reception."

     (Y/N) didn't answer, she just kept staring out over the balcony, avoiding eye contact with Error.

     "Oh, come on," Error said. "Don't be like that. Cooperate with me, at least a little. Tomorrow's a big day for both of us."

     "Go away," she replied. "You're the last person I want to be talking to right now."

     Error frowned. He walked up to (Y/N) and wrapped his arms around her in a hug. She started struggling.

     "Calm down and just enjoy the moment, princess."

     She kept on trying to push her way out of his grasp, being successful after a few moments.

     "Listen here, Error," she said. "By sunset tomorrow, I'll be back at home, far away from you and safe from harm."

      Error raised an eyebrow. "And what exactly makes you think that?"

      "The prophecy said so. Ink and Dream will come for me."

      "Oh, that's what you call them?"

      "Yes. And even if Dream doesn't come, I know Ink will."

      "Mhmm. I see...what does Ink have that Dream doesn't?"

      Princess (Y/N) snapped her head back to see Error sitting on the railing of the balcony, frowning. "Nothing. I've said too much already."

      "No, please continue. I'm definitely intrigued and I would like to know where you were planning on going with this," he said.

      "Well, if you must know," she started. "Dream is very shy and introverted. He doesn't talk to much because he's so timid. Not to mention he's a coward - he gets scared of almost everything. As for Ink, he probably goes on quests as a hobby. He's brave, confident, and loves to talk to everyone. He's definitely the 'hero' type - and that's why I like him so much."

      Princess (Y/N) covered her mouth. She had just blurted out her big secret to the worst person possible. She looked back at Error, who was seething with rage. He sat up and started to walk towards the door. 

      "Error - wait -!"

      "Excuse me for a minute, princess. I have some buisness I must tend to." Error walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him in anger. (Y/N) tried to open the door, but he had locked it before walking away. She sunk to the ground slowly, sobbing. 

       "What have I done now...," she looked out at the balcony, seeing the landscape once again. Her heroes were out there somewhere. 

        "Ink, Dream, please hurry."


     WORD COUNT:1024

Ink Sans  X Reader X Error Sans ((MARIO AU))Where stories live. Discover now