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     Ink charged towards the two skeletons with his paintbrush in his hand. They both pulled out weapons of their own and started to fight back. Dream sat against the rock, struggling to escape.   Being tied up wasn't exactly his idea of comfort and luxury. At this point, it wasn't even about escaping, it was about trying to stretch out his arms.

     Fell started throwing bones at Ink at rapid fire, coming quickly at him at what felt like the speed of light. The one with creepy, slimy black eyes ran at him with a dagger in hand, attempting to stab him. Ink was swinging around his paintbrush, smacking them with it like a club. 

     Ink started hitting the creepy ey-

     (A/N: At this point, I don't think I'll ever find a place to start referring to Killer as his own name, so I'm going to give him the cute and totally original nickname 'Eyes'.)

     Ink started hitting Eyes with his paintbrush, this time even harder than before. Fell had become distracted by a sound coming from the forest, so that gave Ink time to focus on taking down Eyes. He kept smacking him and smacking him until he hot his head, knocking it off of his neck and turning him to dust. 

     He stared at the pile of dust at the ground, his mouth gaping open.

     "I...I just killed a man," he said, still staring at what was left of Eyes.

     That was when Fell came back, only to be in shock at the sight of his friend's remains. "You killed Killer! You bastard!"

     (Blatant South Park reference is blatant. Okay I'm done, I don't want to be annoying.)

     "Whoa, language," said Dream. Fell glared at Dream then looked back at Ink.

     "I'm not going to kill you for this - once our king finds out about what you've done, he'll hate you THRICE as much!" Fell threatened before running back into the forest, not to be seen again for long.

     Ink ran over to Dream, untying him from the boulder. "Are you okay?"

     "Yeah, they didn't hurt me. They couldn't tell if I was telling the truth or not."

     "Well, that's a relief. Let's go back to the cave and get some rest. We'll have to get back on the road in a few hours." Ink helped Dream back onto his feet before they went back to their cave.

      Suddenly, they heard a sound coming from the forest. It was the same one Fell had gone to track down earlier during the fight. Ink and Dream looked at each other. Dream took a step back, but Ink walked forward ever so slowly. He discovered a brightly colored figure hiding in the bushes. Slowly, Ink pulled back a bush, revealing a skeleton wearing glasses that read 'YOLO'.

     "Oh, um...heh - Wassup, broski?" he said. Ink stepped back, scared and confused.

     "Uh, hey...who are you?"Ink asked.

     "My name is Fresh. I'm the author's rad way of spicing up her unrad fanfic," said Fresh, leaving Ink confused.

      "I think he's drunk," Dream whispered to Ink. Ink nodded in agreement.

      "So, does that mean your gonna join us?" asked Dream.

      "Totally, bruh," he replied. "I know you're situation - sounds hella unfortunate. It's not everyday your girl get's ganked."

      Ink gave him a half smile. "Well, If you want to tag along, be my guest. The more the merrier."

      Fresh punched the air. "Score! Let's go, dawg!"

      "I guess we're not going to rest, are we?" asked Dream.

     "No, I guess not," replied Ink. "Well, let's hit the road."


     Princess (Y/N) laid in bed, wide awake. Paperjam had fallen asleep earlier, and he didn't exactly like to stay in one place. His leg was laying across her chest, and he wouldn't stop kicking her in the face with his bunny slippers that matched Mr. Snuggles. 

     (Y/N) just sat still, thinking about her situation. 'What am I supposed to do now?'  she thought. 'If I go, Paperjam will be heartbroken. But I want to be with Ink - not to mention, what will happen to my people if I never return?'

     Suddenly, Paperjam pushed her off the bed. She landed face first on the marble floor. 

     "Ow," she said quietly to herself. She got herself up off the ground. (Y/N) grabbed her robe, put on her slippers and walked out the door, into the hallway. Immediately, she noticed a light emitting from the right side of the hallway. She heard the quiet sound of Error talking to someone coming from the room. 

     She tiptoed towards the sound, trying not to make one as crept across the floorboards. The closer she got, the more audible Error's words were.

     "Yeah, I sent out a secret weapon," he said. "His name is Fresh. I told him to track down this 'Ink' guy. His goal is to earn his trust and trick him into walking straight into one of my dungeon cells. Then, after the wedding, I'll have him killed."

     He paused for a moment. "Yeah, she'll never even have to know. I think I can convince her that he gave up."

      (Y/N) pressed her hand against her mouth, preventing herself from making a sound. She ran back to her room and shut the door, diving back into the bed. Paperjam had left, maybe going back to bed, so she had her bed to herself from then on. This time, she was going to go to sleep.

     Warm tears started to creep down her face. If this "Fresh" guy was to find Ink, he wouldn't know any better. Ink was naive and would trust him, and she couldn't do anything to warn him.


     I kinda just want to mention some stuff, and this part doesn't really matter, so you can just skip over it.

      Yes. Error (canonically) hates Fresh. But Fresh isn't exactly an angel. He has an entry in the Villains Wiki, so I felt making him an antagonist in the story was important. He isn't exactly supposed to take the form of any of the characters in the Mario Universe, but I felt like putting him in the story was necessary. You can't have and Undertale fan creation without a Fresh cameo.

      That's all. See you soon!





Ink Sans  X Reader X Error Sans ((MARIO AU))Where stories live. Discover now