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     Ink and Dream had been wandering around for two hours. Ink spent an hour and thirty minutes of those two describing how much he would love to punt Error towards the moon. Nobody kidnaps the princess, forces her into marriage and then gets away with it. Not on Ink's watch, at least.

     "Hey, Ink?" said Dream, tapping on his brother's arm.

     "Yeah, Dream?"

     "Why are you so mad about this? I understand our current situation, but even for this you're overreacting."

     Ink stopped in his tracks, looking over at Dream. "Overreacting? Me? Give one good example."

     "When Sci told us Error was making (Y/N) marry him, you were more focused on that then the fact that she was kidnapped."

      "Would you rather be forced to marry someone who's proposal you have already rejected, or kidnapped?"

      "Be forced to marry someone I don't love, obviously! At least then I wouldn't have any chances of being killed."

     Ink just started walking again. Dream ran towards him to catch him.

     "Come on, Ink. You and I both know there's something else going on. So what is it?"

     Ink stopped again and sighed. "Well, I guess...it's just that...I kinda have feeli-"

     "YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON THE PRINCESS?!" Ink shushed Dream, covering his mouth with his hands. Dream started laughing.

     "It's fine Ink, we all fall in love at one point to another. It's not something to be embarrassed by." 

     "I'm not shushing you because of that. Error probably has henchmen everywhere, and if one of them heard you, they could tell him and he'll want to mount my head on the wall even more."

     Suddenly, a skeleton with a glowing, red eye and a crack in the side of his skull stood up and started running down the road. 

     "There one goes!" shouted Ink as he lobbed his paintbrush at him, knocking him down. Ink and Dream ran over to him and dragged him behind a rock.

     "Alright, bud," said Ink. "Tell us everything you know and we'll let you go."

     "W-what? I don't What you're talking about," he replied.

     "We both know you work for Error, don't you?"

     The skeleton hesitated to answer. "Y-yes..."

     "Then tell us why he sent you to spy on us. What's going on? Is Princess (Y/N) okay? Give us details!"

     "Okay, okay! The princess told Error about you a couple of hours ago. He went into check on her and she told him about you two. He got mad and sent me and a couple others to make sure you weren't going to ruin his plans."

     "What did she say that infuriated him?"

     "She said she had a crush on one of you. Uh...which one of you is Ink?"

      "...I am."

      "Yeah, she accidentally told him she liked you. Can you please let me go now?"

      Ink looked up at Dream, who was hiding his face in his shirt and giggling hysterically. He let go of the henchman and told him to scram. Dream was rolling around on the ground, in tears.

      "You knew, didn't you?"

      Dream tried to nod, but was too busy laughing. "You should have seen the look on your face when he told you!"

     "How did you find out?"

     "One day when you two were hanging out, Sci told me she talks about you all the time and tells him how great you are. She's head over heels in love with you, bro."

     A smile spread across Ink's face, but quickly faded away. "That means we really have to start going. We only have twenty-eight hours until we're screwed."

     Dream calmed himself down and stood up.

     "Let's go."

~~~~16:00 - 27 HOURS UNTIL WEDDING

     (Y/N) was laying down in bed, cuddling herself and trying to force herself to sleep. She didn't want to be there any longer. Error was driving her insane. That's when he finally showed up, there to bother her again.

     "Isn't it obvious you aren't wanted?" she asked. Error stood in front of the door, as if she was trying to run out. But (Y/N) wasn't going to. She wasn't about to make everything worse for her.

     "Aw, lighten up, sweetheart. You will need to learn to love me by tomorrow evening if you ever want to be happy again," he said, smirking. She remained silent, still sitting up in bed. Error sat down next to her. 

     "You're so beautiful," he said, planting a kiss on her head. "And that's just one of the reasons why I love you."

     Princess (Y/N) got up off the bed. "If you really loved me, you wouldn't put me through this."

     Error got up and followed her as she walked back out onto the balcony. He sat back up on the railing, just like he was hours ago. 

     "You know, even if they are coming for you, I highly doubt they'll make it before the wedding. Our kingdoms are very far apart."

     "I know they'll make it in time," said (Y/N). "I just know."

     Error sighed. Was she ever going to shut up about her "heroes"? 

     (Y/N) walked off the balcony, shutting the doors behind her and locking them so that Error couldn't get out. She pushed a chair under the doorknobs, making sure he couldn't escape. She could hear him pounding on the doors, trying to break free. After a couple seconds, he stopped, as if he had given up.

     (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief and sat down on the bed. She put her head in her hands and started to bawl. What if she'll actually never leave? What if Ink wasn't comin for her? She may never see him again. Suddenly, the sound of wind whistling came from the balcony. Princess (Y/N) looked up, seeing Error standing there with clenched fists and an furious expression. 

     "You left something out on the balcony, doll," he said through gritted teeth. He grabbed her and pulled her by the arm. "Let's have a little chat."

     Error let go of her arm and started ranting. "I don't know what your problem is, princess. But I practically own you now. What I say goes, and we are going to get married tomorrow evening, whether you like it or not."

     "Error, please," sobbed (Y/N). "Let me go home! I'll do anything you want!"

     He got up and walked to the door and out of the room. Before shutting the door, he says;

     "I want you to marry me."


     WORD COUNT:1077

Ink Sans  X Reader X Error Sans ((MARIO AU))Where stories live. Discover now