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~~~~ 19:00 - 24 HOURS UNTIL WEDDING 

    Paperjam walked towards his soon-to-be mother's room, wearing a tux and holding a rose. He lifted his hand up to the door and knocked softly. Behind the door, he heard the princess' faint sobs. Paperjam put his head against the door, listening in on her. When she didn't get up to let him in, he opened the door himself, finding that it had been left unlocked. 

    "Error, please, leave me alone. Every time you leave, I end up spending an entire hour crying," she said. Paperjam cleared his throat.

    "U-um, Princess (Y/N)?" he said. Her head shot up and turned towards him. She had mascara running down her face, her eyes were red and puffy. 

     "Oh, Paperjam. I thought you were your dad," she stated, getting up and fluffing her dress.

     "I...got you this flower. I saw it while I was playing outside with my friends and it reminded me of you,"he said, holding the rose up to her. (Y/N) got on her knees so that she would be on the same eye level as Paperjam.

     "How so?" she asked.

     "It's pretty, just like you!" (Y/N) took the rose from his hand and held it in hers. She studied it, giggling.

     "Aw, how sweet! I wish your father was as kind as you." 

     Paperjam gasped. "What are you talking about? My daddy is the coolest guy in the entire world! He's the king, so he gets to boss people around, and he's always getting Mr. Killer to play superheroes with me. He fights bad guys, like the one he fought on the airship this morning. Someday, when I grow up, I want to be just like him!"

     "Fights bad guys, huh?" (Y/N) asked. She thought back to earlier that day, when Ink tried to save her. Error had nearly killed him when he knocked him off the airship, and if the fall didn't get him, his henchmen did. At least, that's what Error said.

     "Yup! And he's always talking about how much he wishes you would love him because he would do anything for you. When you said you wouldn't marry him, he locked himself in his room and cried until he went to bed."

     "Paperjam, that's terrible."

     "Yeah, but at least that goes to show that he's not completely heartless."

     Paperjam walked over to a box of tissues and pulled one out. He walked back over to (Y/N) and used the tissue to wipe away the mascara under her eyes. She watched him as he worked to get a smudge off her cheek. He then put the tissue on the ground next to him, looking the princess in the eye.

     "And I don't think I am," he said. Paperjam wrapped his arms around her in a hug. (Y/N) froze in shock, but quickly melted into the hug. 

     "No, Paperjam. You're not heartless. You might be the most kind person I've ever met. Never change, okay?"

      Paperjam pulled away and smiled. "Okay."

     "Jammy? Where are you, son?" yelled a familiar voice. They both turned around to see Error coming down the hall, looking around for his son.

     "Daddy!" Paperjam shouted back, running out of the room and towards Error. Error turned around, watching his son bolt towards him. He got down on his knees and held out his arms to catch Paperjam.

     "There's my boy!" he said, wrapping his arms around his kid. "Where've you been? And why are you wearing the outfit I picked out for you for tomorrow?"

     "I was giving momma a flower," he replied. "The least I could do was look nice."

     (Y/N)'s body became stiff like a wooden plank. 'Did he say...MOMMA?' she thought.

      Error looked back at her and smirked, almost as if he were saying, 'Now that my son loves you, there's no escaping now.'  (Y/N) just scowled at him, turning around and shutting the door behind her. Error's smirk fell into a frown. He pulled away from the hug and looked at his son. 

     "It's about time to go to bed, kiddo. I'll have a Mr. Fell give you a bath, and then I'll come read  you your story. Okay?"

     "But dad," moaned Paperjam. He stretched his arms out and yawned. "I'm not tired. I'm going to be king one day, and I won't ever be tired."

     Error chuckled. "Yes, but even kings have to go to bed. They need to be well rested so they can  run their kingdom."

     "Aww, okay." Paperjam waddled off, Fell following behind him. Error watched as his son disappeared before getting back up and walking up to Princess (Y/N)'s bedroom door. He knocked on it lightly. 

     "Who is it?" she called out.

     "It's the pizza delivery man, open up," Error replied sarcastically. 

     "I didn't order anything." Error walked into the room, seeing (Y/N) sitting in a chair next to the balcony doors. She was fiddling with a rose in her hands, supposedly given to her by Paperjam.

     "Is that the flower my son gave to you?" he asked. Princess (Y/N) looked up, seeing Error leaning against the doorframe. She nodded, looking back down. 

     "I find it hard to believe you two are father and son."

     "What's that supposed to mean?"

     "He's so much more benevolent than you. It's funny, really. He thinks you're the good guy." Error just stood there, twiddling with his thumbs. 

     "What made you reject me in the first place?" Error asked, slowly walking toward her. He sat down in front of her chair, staring up at her.

     "Because as soon as I saw you, I knew exactly who you were. Ink and Dream had just moved in, and they were the two brothers, just like the prophecy had said. I knew that even if you were going to try to kidnap me, they would be there for me. So rejecting you wasn't a big deal."

     (Y/N) looked back up. "But, they obviously failed."

     "What don't you see in me? I could be just as good as anyone else if you wanted me to."

     "Like I said, Error. We hadn't met before that day, but I could already tell you weren't good."

     Error sighed and stood back up. He walked to the door, nearly walking out, but he stopped himself. He couldn't leave without arguing about this. He wasn't about to just lose.

     "You know, I fell in love with you at first sight. But you like someone else, and you don't even know if he returns those feelings. I don't ge-"

     Suddenly, he was interrupted by the door opening up to reveal Horror, who looked like he had been shaken up. 

     "Horror? What's the me-"

     "Sir, I'm afraid I have some horrible news about Ink.


     WORD COUNT:1123 



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